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Everything posted by Nervousme

  1. Congratulations! Your dedication, persistence, and passion are encouraging and inspiring, so thank you for that I definitely think that the self-care piece is a very important thing, and something that I will definitely be working on in this year off. What are some tips that you have or experiences that you can share that helped you get through the tough time and through getting waitlisted?
  2. Thank you all so much for this very useful information! I will definitely look more into it once I finish my undergrad and accept that I won't be going to school next year... @Emactastic Thanks so much for the encouragement! I am interested in clinical social work, specifically working in healthcare as my degree is in health. I am not sure if you know of any certificates and/or jobs that I can apply for that relate to that?
  3. Does anyone know of any online post-grad certificates in social services or anything that might make me more qualified for social work-related jobs? Also, what are some online MSWs and/or BSWs that people know of? Anywhere that is still accepting applications? Haven't heard back from UofT which makes me think I didn't get in! Feeling very discouraged My undergrad is also more science-based so I have been unsuccessful so far in looking for a job in human services - Does anyone have any advice? It is my absolute dream to become a social worker and I have years of volunteer and paid experience in the human services, but I am having a difficult time deciding what to do now and am not feeling confident at all.
  4. Same here Just accepted a job in customer service because I'm pretty sure I didn't get in! Sorry to hear that you're in the same boat, don't lose hope, there will be something for us too, even if not right now!! Did you apply anywhere else?
  5. That's definitely helpful and gives me a glimpse of hope, so thank you for that
  6. She emailed me back saying that "all decisions will be mailed out by the end of the week" so I am really not sure...I hope that there is more than one round but her answer is too vague to be able to tell. Have there been multiple rounds in previous years? If so, how long was it between each?
  7. I think it's supposed to say "invited" and the degree details under "degree registration". Don't know what to think of this and whether there will be any more rounds of offers
  8. I emailed Angela as well asking about changes in acorn, when we should expect to be hearing back by, whether acorn changes have all been entered, and whether no "invited" means that the application was not successful. She responded with "all decisions will be mailed out by the end of this week" - so same experience, not very clear. I am getting really nervous as well that no "invited" means that I did not get accepted. I just wish they gave more specific answers so I can start thinking of plan b's and planning for the future
  9. I truly hope that they will be sending out more acceptances tomorrow and in the next few days! I just need to know
  10. Thanks so much for responding, that definitely makes me a little more hopeful - maybe they're releasing answers as they are entering them rather than just sending out all at once! This is going to be a long week or so ahah What kind of GPA/experiences do you have?
  11. I am in the exact same boat. I have no backup plan and I am scared of even thinking about it. That being said though, I am just finishing up my undergrad, so a year off to take some time for myself, work, and get more experience might also be a very good thing! What are some ideas that you have for plan b's? Are you also currently finishing up school?
  12. Congrats @Corrina_22! Did your acorn just recently update? (I am still frantically refreshing mine hoping that it magically updates) You must be so relieved and excited though!!
  13. Thanks for responding! That sound extremely misleading, I'm not sure why she would say that...I can also confirm that my friends from previous years who had "invited" have definitely been accepted, so she was probably reffering to the fact that the system updated that quickly?
  14. Did they say that Thursday is when we will start hearing? And I'm really hoping we get in in the next round of offers! Fingers crossed!!
  15. Sorry to hear that, they must be super busy :/ do you know at all if there's only one round of acceptances or more? Truly hoping and wishing for the best for everyone!
  16. That you've been accepted!! Congratulations what letter does your last name start with ahah? And did it literally just change?
  17. This is way too nerve-wracking I just really really hope that they are going in alphabetical order and that we still hear back! Sending good vibes to both of us and everyone who is still waiting to hear and anxiously refreshing acorn. Did you get a call back from them by any chance?
  18. Congratulations! This is amazing, you must be so excited If you don't mind me asking, what letter does your last name start with?
  19. Mine is m too and I have nothing I really hope its alphabetical. I hope we hear soon!
  20. Hi everyone, long time lurker here! Today has been such a nerve wracking day, especially after seeing 2-year msw acceptances for uoft (only school I applied to) come out. I am currently at work completely unable to focus and keep refreshing acorn and there is nothing do people know if there's more than one round of admissions, and how they send out acceptances? (I.e. is it alphabetically?)
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