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Posts posted by KendallSLPA

  1. Don’t give up! Have you looked into an summers only programs? I am attending Northern Arizona University Summers Only Program for working SLPAs. I know it might be far but you only go to school for the summer then you do a class a semester online throughout the year when you work back home.

    A little background info, I was rejected my first time around and I honestly didn’t have the greatest GPA and I definitely didn’t have good GRE scores. I did retake them when applying the second time but I still didn’t do THAT much better. I worked for 1 year as SLPA before I applied to the program and guess what, I was notified of my acceptance in January! I also got accepted to Midwestern University which I thought would be a hard school to get into. Not all schools rely heavily on GPA and GREs. I’ve seen people with low GPAs and GRE scores get in to regular full time programs! Im not sure if there are any other summers programs but there might be. 

    I honestly feel like it was a factor of multiple things. I changed my LOI and when I wrote it I actually mentioned professors there that their interests lined up with mine, I had very good recommendations from SLPs that have supervised me and 1 from my boss who is the director of my clinic and of course lastly my experience I think helped. You seem like you have a lot of experience so I wouldn’t give up!

  2. I second everyone else’s advice. Magoosh is what I used, although my test scores weren’t great, I studied with Magoosh on and off and was still able to improve my scores from the first time. I managed to be accepted to all the 3 schools I applied to. 

  3. On 4/9/2019 at 11:07 AM, mckennahslp said:

    Would you mind sharing your stats? What do you think made you stand out this time around or what was your experience the first time around? Thank you!

    Of course! My GREs were not that great honestly. I got a 147 V 141 Q and a 3.5 on writing. So I think a lot of people shouldn’t be worried to much on the GREs becuase that wasn’t the only factor they looked at.  I think what made me stand out this time around was my experience. I worked as an SLPA for a year before I applied again. I do think my letter of intent and my references also helped. I changed up my statement referenced professors from each program and how my interests and experiences related to theirs and how I could learn from them. 

    My first year applying I was rejected from every program so I honestly think working as a SLPA helped a lot. 

  4. 2 hours ago, jackslp said:

    I am looking to get a facebook page started to get to know everyone and share any questions/information! In order to start it I need to have at least one friend to ask to join! No one on my friends list is attending the program. So I need to add someone!? 

    I’ll join as well. I saw your other post and sent a request to join!

  5. 17 hours ago, Toya said:

    Congrats everyone. I was accepted as well. I contacted NAU and they said we pay in state tuition for the three summers we are there and an online tution fall-spring. I calculated less than 45k. 

    Wow that’s not bad at all. I was accepted to Midwestern as well and their tuition calculated well over 100,000

  6. 5 hours ago, alexblue_15 said:

    Hi Kendall!

    I just want to piggyback off your post here too, since I got accepted to the summers track as well lol. Does anyone know how much tuition costs for the NAU summers track?

    And Kendall in regards to difficulty in the summer, my supervisor told me that it's very doable. She just warned that you definitely won't have a life for 8 weeks, but she and her CSD cohorts bonded a lot in the summers (group studies, etc.). She definitely enjoyed NAU though.

    Hi Alex!

    Well that doesn’t sound too bad, I figured during the summer I won’t have too much of a life. From what I believe the tuition is going to be around 60,000 maybe less? I couldn’t find a definite answer unfortunately. Congrats though, I guess I will be seeing you this summer then!

  7. Hi! I have. I received my invite early in January and interviewed with them about a week ago. I haven’t heard an answer yet whether or not I was accepted. They said they typically interview until March. So don’t lose hope! My stats were similar to yours also. Which track for NAU did you apply to?

  8. On 1/31/2019 at 1:16 AM, seekingSLPAdvice said:

    Wow, that's super early! But I totally get you. I had to re-read my e-mail from NAU to check if it was a mistake as well.

    I have also just received my first acceptance from NAU yesterday, 1/30. I was surprised because I submitted my application last minute, 1/13.

    I heard back from NAU also, I was very surprised how early they got back to me. 

  9. 23 hours ago, Abill12 said:

    Thanks :) Just pick one! Prompts weren’t SLP treatment related would prob be a better way of saying it! No hypothetical situations or anything like that. More just kind of writing your thoughts on whatever the prompt is. But I think they may have been more SLP related last year from what the current students told us at lunch. But really they’re just looking at your writing in general, so try not to stress too much about it!  

    Also, the interviewers told me they don’t see your apps beforehand, which I appreciated. They also completely understand that you’re gonna be nervous (at least the 2 I had did) so I think as long as you go in confident with your answers and are personable I think you’ll be fine!

    The other girls I interviewed with that day were all great so that really helped calm the nerves and made the day a little bit more fun too

    Interesting! Thank you for the insight, it makes me feel a bit better ? 

  10. 20 hours ago, Abill12 said:

    Hi! I interviewed with them December 17th and was accepted 2 weeks ago! They changed the interview process slightly from last year, but for the most part what AAH said was the same. There were 9 of us interviewing for SLP that day. Expect to be there the whole time, 7:30-2ish. I think the writing was different from last year, we were given 2 prompts (not really SLP related) and had 30 minutes to type it, that was the most stressful part for me, but I got in so I guess I did something right! I interviewed with 2 professors, was asked maybe 4 questions...be sure to know why you want to attend Midwestern lol. Most of the interviews were short, so don’t be worried if yours isn’t long! Last tip, make sure to wear flats because we walked a lot during the campus tour! Good luck!

    Thank you and congrats! Did you have to respond to both prompts or pick just one? It’s funny because some other people were saying it was SLP related and like a hypothetical situation you had to write about. Maybe they just decided to change it. 

  11. On 2/27/2018 at 4:43 PM, Alondra217 said:

    I had my interview the last week of January and I found it exactly two weeks later. I got a call and was accepted then a couple days letter received the letter in the mail. I would try to call Michael if you are curious what is taking so long. He told me they were going to call 3-10 business days and they said they took longer than usual. I was in the second wave of interviews. Good luck!

    Hi! Congrats on getting in! Could you tell me what the interview process is like? And how are the questions?

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