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  1. As a fellow Emory SIBS alum, congrats on UPenn and Columbia so far! I agree with the first response, as you definitely have a lot of great research experience. I'm also currently in the application cycle, so I can't really help with the probability of acceptance given that you were invited for interviews. Good luck!
  2. For Biostats, do schools normally send out interview invites all at once or staggered? I'm pretty bummed that Michigan and Columbia already sent them out
  3. I am also applying to masters biostats this cycle, so my guess is as good as yours, but I think you have a solid application. Also, props to you for applying to so many programs.
  4. I'm pretty much in the same boat as you--looking for Masters in Biostats with some funding, but it seems like its pretty hard to come by. I also saw Vanderbilt partially funds all their masters students but they only accept 4 per year ?
  5. Hello! I am applying for Biostatistics programs this cycle (mostly masters programs with a few PhD thrown in there). To anyone who has experience applying: were you required/asked to send in fall grades after your application has been submitted? Applications close December 1st for most of my programs, and fall semester grades are not released until late December. I think somewhere on the application it requires you to put what classes you are currently enrolled in or planning to take in the spring, but I am wondering if your fall grades weigh in on the admissions decisions. (Maybe this varies if the school uses SOPHAS or not?) I would greatly appreciate any insight!! Especially since I am having trouble finding this info via google and school websites (the only website I found info on the fall grade submission was from Washington).
  6. @dogbite1337 Ah, my apologizes, I am just realizing how ambiguous my previous post was. I meant one of the 3 top Biostats programs (which is usually ranked at U Washington, Harvard, and Johns Hopkins). I was asking for advice on how to be accepted into one of those programs and have them offer you a scholarship. But I'm surprised you have seen many masters programs with funding? Most of the ones I've looked at seem like they offer very little funding to masters students. What schools have you seen that offer funding?
  7. I know this doesn't answer your question (I'm still an undergrad so I don't think I have enough insight on your application--although it looks good to me), but I was wondering if you had any advice for getting into one of the 3 Biostats Masters programs with funding? I'm applying to those this cycle and would definitely appreciate any advice you have on that (both with getting accepted and finding funding)
  8. Hello Biostatistics people on this forum! From what I've heard about biostatistics PhD admissions, the admissions commitees look at (1) If you have taken high level math (Advanced Calc + Real Analysis), (2) research experience, (3) letters of rec, (4) GPA, although it seems like if your above a reasonable threshold (~3.7?) then your fine. I understand that these are all very important aspects. However, it seems like the majority of students applying to biostatistics programs have these qualifications. What are the factors beyond these main points that allow top schools to choose between a very competitive applicant pool? My thoughts: they want students who are a good research match, however I do not think that this can not filter many applicants out, as it is assumed that if they are applying to the program that they are interested in the research. This means that publication record can be a deciding factor. However, at least in my experience, it is extremely difficult to publish a statistical methods paper (or any paper) as an undergrad. This inherently gives applicants with a masters degree a great advantage. There also may be weight on a good personal statement, but I havent heard much emphasis on this (I obviously will make it as good as possible, but this may not be something that gets you in). Is it worth it to get a masters degree first? What can make an undergraduate applicant stand out (besides the obvious points made in the first paragraph) I'm intereted to hear any thoughts on this!
  9. I came across McGill’s biostats website the other day and thought the same thing! I’m not sure why more people don’t mention it. Maybe it’s a newer department? Unfortunatley, I don’t have any answers to your questions, but I am really interested to see if anyone else has info on this
  10. I am applying this cycle too, so my opinion should not be as heavily weighted as the other comments, but I think you look like a a qualified candidate for the schools you listed. I think your solid research experience will mitigate the other weaknesses on your application, but I guess I’m surprised to see other people say that you’d be a reach at some of these schools (also just makes me really nervous for my application)
  11. Yes, I’m sure everyone is sick of seeing these posts by now, but I really am in need of some insight for my biostats application. (Would like to go for my PhD) Undergrad institution: Mid sized state university Undergrad GPA: 3.87 (math gpa:3.85, stats gpa: 3.96) Majors: Applied math, statistics GRE: Haven’t taken yet Math/stat courses: Calc 1-3, honors linear algebra, 2 semesters of theoretical 1-variable calculus, numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra, differential equations, vector analysis, mathematical bio, 2 semesters of probability, 2 semesters of math stats, stochastic processes, data science, categorical analysis, stat packages Other relevant courses: bio 1-2, chem 1-2, computational biology, engineering analysis (matlab, bash scripting), physics 1  Letters of Recommendation: 2 from professors I do research with, 1 with professor I know well Research Experience: -i work during the year as a research assistant in my university’s biostats department -REU (computational science, using statistical genetics) -SIBS Teaching Experience: - TA for math department -tutor at math assistance center -mentored high school student and incoming freshmen in the honors college Programming: - R (advanced) -matlab (proficient) -python (profiecient) -sas (beginner) Research Interests: Statistical genetics, comp bio, causal inference Applying: ???? I have heard Michigan and Harvard have very strong statistical genetics programs, but I am thinking those are very much a reach, although it would be amazing to go to one of these schools. I would like to go for my PhD, although if I can find funding I would be willing to do masters before going on to get my PhD. Any insight is appreciated!
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