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Everything posted by bandanajack

  1. Sweet. Thanks for the info
  2. I was going to ask myself. Nothing from UVA. I know its only been a few days but its the longest they've gone in a cycle without sending anything out. Perhaps they don't do interviews anymore? As I ask this question I realize that they will probably send an email out literally any day or hour now, but just a thought lol. Just looked at gradcafe data again and the only pattern I see is that they typically do interviews, then a couple weeks later have acceptances (with rejections coming out in between). But it looks like in years past they had secondary interviews and even had acceptances spill into March. None of this answers our initial questions of when the heck we will hear something, but I am bored and driving myself mental so there you go
  3. I can totally see how annoying and stressful that can be. I didn't mean to sound ignorant or unsympathetic at all, and apologize if I did. Application fees and GRE fees (and transcript fees) are bad enough, so I am lucky I don't have to deal with TOEFL. I don't get why schools couldn't be more lenient in this situation. I just meant that I didn't get what someone would expect when they ignored an app requirement. Then again, I am speaking about something that has nothing to do with me, so...
  4. That's a fair point and I agree with you conceptually. But trying to subvert an institutional practice isn't getting that guy anywhere. But again, I really do see what you are saying now and I do agree.
  5. Yeah, I feel bad, but it is a fuck up. Unless you get your TOEFL scores waived then why apply anyway? Still a waste of money.
  6. Thanks for the input! I personally assume a rejection, but gradcafe results kind of suggest both. They don't have interviews, and people were only waitlisted one year (only found out bc apparently there was a funding issue that year). Anyways, thanks!
  7. So what's the deal with waitlisting? Like, do some programs have silent or unofficial waitlists? I'm still not hearing anything from UConn and they sent out their first acceptance more than a week ago.
  8. Second this. It's great when people include some details when they post an actual result, but the miscellaneous convo just makes it a mess with little credibility.
  9. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Here's to hoping we get some love from our programs today!
  10. Anyone hear anything from UConn? I saw one acceptance from last week. I wasn't rejected, but I didn't see anything about being waitlisted either. Also, by chance did anyone apply to Lehigh Uni's MA program?
  11. The methodology sounds sloppy at best lol
  12. Yes, thanks for everything you said. My confidence in getting accepted dwindles by the day, but I am getting myself into a better place where the idea of waiting till next cycle doesn't sound so horrible. At least next cycle I will no what to expect, how to prepare etc. I was so lost applying this time around. There's a silver lining to everything. One more year of waiting for grad school is not a big deal in the grand scheme of our lives.
  13. Any news on UVA? Last year they sent out emails for interviews at about this time in the month.
  14. Waiting on UVA myself. No word yet. Surprising its taking this long compared to past years, but id imagine we'll something this week. Just a guess, though.
  15. To all the UMass Amherst rejections: sorry. I am in the same boat. An annoyingly wild ride from last night until now. Not entirely surprised by the rejection, but surprised it came in this manner so early in the month.
  16. Exactly what I was thinking. I was very surprised to hear from them so soon. They weren't even on my radar for at least a week. But I will try to take this as a good sign. From the digging I've done on gradcafe, the earlier you hear back, the better. I guess we will see.
  17. Interesting. I am trying to be optimistic as well. I kind of expected something personalized, or at least something more than a "check the status" email, but who knows. Based on grad cafe results nobody has posted this early in the year for the Amherst soc program, so I am hoping that means we were the first to be accepted, since rejections usually come after the first acceptance waive. Regardless, I think a wait list more probable than rejection since its so early.
  18. Yep. So what do you think it means?
  19. So anyone else get an email from a uni that said to check the status of your application only to find it says "update pending." Read the email again and it said a formal letter will be posed in the portal 1-2 business days. First off, why tell me this at 12:41 a.m. on a Saturday morning when I have to wait till Monday or Tuesday. Second, this sounds like a rejection? Don't acceptances typically have "congratulations type of email" or a phone call. Why not just tell me outright.
  20. Yeah lol I heard that Amherst and Storrs (UConn) are rather isolated small New England towns. And to think I don't even fancy Pennsylvania winters and I want to go north lol. I graduated in May with a B.A. in Journalism and B.A. in Sociology. I am in AmeriCorps as a gap year, but I am working with a prof on research around American (specifically undergrad education majors) stratification beliefs. We asked them a bunch of questions about race, gender, background, etc, all relating to the chances people have to succeed in the U.S. and why (based on individualism or structuralism; who is responsible for success and failure, the individual or society and in what way etc.). I spoke with a prof at UMass and he does similar research, but geared more toward long term unemployment, which I think is really interesting. I would like to pursue research along these lines, but tbh I am interested in quite a few things. Another thing I would like to study is how do different communities respond to poverty/inequality. Why do communities respond differently (based on resources available or because of stratification beliefs). Ideally this research could be used to help communities (govts, non-profits, etc) employ best practices. Generally speaking, I like anything that has to do with socioeconomics and the role public policy and beliefs shape our society. UVA and UConn has some people that look at this from the macrolevel, which I also love. (How do large economic forces and national/international govts. shape our society in terms of inequality). Lastly, at some point in my career I want to get involved with environmental justice and environmental practices through a soc and public policy lens. What about you?!
  21. I applied to UVA, UConn, UMass Amherst, and Lehigh (they have a really nice, well-funded MA program). I really want to get into (well anywhere lol), but Amherst because of their emphasis on public sociology (I have experience as a journalist and would like to translate that more into advocacy). And similar research interests there (contacted a POI). Lehigh would be a great stepping stone school, and I would be more than happy if I only ended up there (faculty from top uni's with similar research interests) Truth be told, I got lost in the sauce when applying to grad school (first gen student with no clue how to navigate the ropes). UVA and UConn would also be great (similar research interests). In retrospect I would have applied to more schools with more varied rankings, (obviously research interests matter most, but I should have at least tried for Yale, Stanford and Berkeley, though I may have not even had the money). If I knew now what I know when I applied (how to contact POI's, choose schools, write SOPs) I think I would have been a competitive candidate. But if I get accepted any of the schools I applied to I have no regrets. They will all serve me well, just in slightly different ways. I am still waiting to hear back from all my schools (should 1-3 weeks). Getting into a funded Ph.D. program would be a dream come true. But alas we will see what happens.
  22. Yeah from what I see most results from soc programs go out in February. For me most should be in the next 1-3 weeks. It's the final countdown lol I just want some news!!
  23. Still waiting myself. Not that I expect to even get an interview there, but I haven't heard a peep. Looks like they are scattered over the past years when things get done. I'd imagine we'll hear something in the next week, but that's just a guess. Edit: Looks like my guess was legitimate. 2017 interviews went out in late Jan. 2018 was mid February. Good Luck!
  24. Hey I just wanted to let you know that UMass Amherst has changed the application status to "Application Under Review" from "Applied." Still will probably be a couple of weeks, but at least we know the gears are turning.
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