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Everything posted by bandanajack

  1. Anyone hear any news from UConn or UVA? I was expecting results from UConn to be out as they seemed to move really fast in years past, but nothing. Also, interviews for UVA should be announced soon, if they still do them. Just seeing if there is news on the grapevine.
  2. Unfortunately yes, it's normal. Obviously depends on your specific program, but many program will only send out decisions in February (usually mid to late). From what I see, and UMass Amherst says explicitly on their web page to not hear anything back until the end of this month. So I am also in the waiting game... Hoping to hear back from UConn any day, any hour, any minute now... Good luck!
  3. Idk why but I felt like something would happen today too, even though I'm not really expecting anything until next week. I'm just losing all patience and composure lol. At any rate I wish you all good fortune. Keep us updated.
  4. Hey thanks! I wish you the best. Hope to see you posting some good news on hear soon enough. Also, Art Vandaley? As in the importer/exporter of Vandaley Industries lol?
  5. Looking for an honest assessment. I already applied, but I want to see your opinions on my competitiveness to these schools. I didn't apply to a safety school, so I'm worried that I overshot. I'm told I should get into a program, but I guess my anxiety while I wait is causing me to want more insight. Program: PhD in Sociology Schools Applying To: UMass - Amherst, Uni of Connecticut, Uni of Virginia, and Lehigh University (MA) Interests: Strat/inequality, economic sociology, poverty, mobility, mixed methodology, etc. Undergraduate school: low-tier state school (B.A. Sociology; B.A. Comm/Journalism; Minor Anthropology) GPA: 3.8 Honors: many awards, scholarships etc. GRE: V 159/ Q 155 / AW 5.5 Age: 24 Work Experience: AmeriCorps VISTA and local newspapers + (editor-in-chief of uni newspaper) SoP: Well-written, and should catch their attention. I certainly focus on my passion, interests (with relation to school) and my background. (Perhaps not enough about the dept. I am apply to, and maybe should have been a bit more... idk, unique with it.) Research: Nothing published yet, but currently assisting a former prof on a qualitative study to be accepted by ASA for annual conference, and probs for a journal (2nd author of three). Took a research grad course in my UG and completed a study and presented at uni conference (A in the course), and completed another quant study in UG courses (As) LORs expectations: 1) Research prof - outstanding 2) Newspaper adviser/prof - outstanding 3) Soc Dept. Chair - great Any comments are welcome! Thank you!
  6. I am currently selecting the schools I want to apply to (based on whether its fully-funded and available area of interest) for the Fall 2019 year. With deadlines approaching I know I need to narrow it down and a get a move on, but it seems like the schools I am looking into are too competitive for me to stand a chance: Uni of Virginia, Uni of Maryland, Uni of North Carolina, Princeton, Stanford, UConn., Northwestern. I am looking for suggestions for other, perhaps more mid-tier fully-funded schools I can take a look at. My interests are stratification, inequality, geo-political cultural differences. Background: Graduated with 3.8 GPA, with a B.A. Sociology, B.A. Communication/Journalism, Anthro minor, EIC of the uni newspaper, completed two research projects (1 with a grad course and presented at a conference), currently working with a prof on a research to be presented at ASA round table. Right now I am serving a year in AmeriCorps VISTA. Do not yet have my GRE scores. Any suggestions/info on programs, feedback, advice is appreciated. Thank you!
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