Looking for an honest assessment.
I already applied, but I want to see your opinions on my competitiveness to these schools. I didn't apply to a safety school, so I'm worried that I overshot. I'm told I should get into a program, but I guess my anxiety while I wait is causing me to want more insight.
Program: PhD in Sociology
Schools Applying To: UMass - Amherst, Uni of Connecticut, Uni of Virginia, and Lehigh University (MA)
Interests: Strat/inequality, economic sociology, poverty, mobility, mixed methodology, etc.
Undergraduate school: low-tier state school (B.A. Sociology; B.A. Comm/Journalism; Minor Anthropology)
GPA: 3.8 Honors: many awards, scholarships etc.
GRE: V 159/ Q 155 / AW 5.5
Age: 24
Work Experience: AmeriCorps VISTA and local newspapers + (editor-in-chief of uni newspaper)
SoP: Well-written, and should catch their attention. I certainly focus on my passion, interests (with relation to school) and my background. (Perhaps not enough about the dept. I am apply to, and maybe should have been a bit more... idk, unique with it.)
Research: Nothing published yet, but currently assisting a former prof on a qualitative study to be accepted by ASA for annual conference, and probs for a journal (2nd author of three).
Took a research grad course in my UG and completed a study and presented at uni conference (A in the course), and completed another quant study in UG courses (As)
LORs expectations: 1) Research prof - outstanding 2) Newspaper adviser/prof - outstanding 3) Soc Dept. Chair - great
Any comments are welcome! Thank you!