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Everything posted by TopofthemuffinTOYOU

  1. No, but just wanted to make you aware (if you’re not already) that Hopkins does allow full-time status in some cases. Good luck with your decision!
  2. Woohoo! CONGRATS! Where will you attend?
  3. Interesting. Hmmmm. When I was talking with the HPM admissions folks, they told me HCML was one of the more competitive subtracks. If I recall correctly, now that I'm thinking about it, they said IS can be pretty competitive too.
  4. To the poster above RE: Implementation Science, I know my application was being kicked between HPM-Quality/Safety and Implementation Science, and I ended up getting accepted to the HPM-Quality/Safety track (I called admissions today to ask where I ended up). I don't know if that's because IS was more competitive, or because I was a better fit for HPM-Q/S. Is anyone else admitted to Hopkins DrPH for HPM - Quality/Safety?
  5. Sarcasmandcoffee, Totally agree. Apparently I've used up my "likes" for the day on this site, so can't like any additional posts. It has been so nice to have you all here as support.
  6. Hopeful2019, Fingers crossed for you to get in off the waitlist. It would be nice to have a cohort of a bunch of us grad cafe folks at the orientation this summer.
  7. Congrats! Keep us posted on your decision!
  9. Happy Monday everyone. Musings for today: Why can’t daylight savings happen on Friday overnight? I need another day to adjust. Exhausted today.
  10. I'm in on the bet. My guess is Tuesday morning, before Noon Eastern (so they have a Monday to "finalize" everything).
  11. The entire convo: Me: Hi, I'm looking for some specific information about DrPH program admissions. Hopkins: What information in particular are you looking for? Me: I'd like to know the exact date when admissions decisions for the DrPH program will be sent out, or to be connected to someone who has that information. Hopkins: Decisions have not been sent out yet, and should be sent out early next week.
  12. "Decisions should be sent out early next week." Wrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaa
  13. Heck it. I'm calling.
  14. And I'm not above using the "I have some decisions to make about other programs" line.
  15. Totally with you on this. I've called from both my cell and my google number ... hehehehe. And yes, I'd be dollars to Homer Simpson donuts that they know EXACTLY who is in and who is out, AND when the decisions are coming.
  16. Do acceptances usually come in the morning? If I knew that if nothing had arrived by 10 central, the likelihood of receiving anything after that was next to nothing, at least I could move on with my day.
  17. Let me just point out that I do not consider the 11th of March to be "early March," as it says on the admissions website. ?
  18. Like the rest of you, I've been checking my Hopkins portal every 5 seconds. I just had it freeze on me and then go blank, and my first thought was "THEY'RE UPDATING IT!" Alas, no. Still "application sent for review" status.
  19. Sigh. I'm sitting here trying to work on my clinical trials protocols [my actual job] and also authoring a response from a major area hospital to the Board of Medicine about their disciplinary action proposals for opioid prescribing, that quite frankly is going to scare any remaining providers away from writing opioids for patients with chronic pain - even those who are stable and have functional and quality of life benefit [what I'm really passionate about, but doesn't pay the bills like the protocol work]. You know what would help me understand policy, implementation, and how to accurately assess these things? ... admission to the DrPH program at Hopkins. Hahahahahahahaha. I'm seriously going nuts over here.
  20. Either Quality/Safety or Implementation Science. They didn't respond to my requests asking where my applicated ended up.
  21. Well, when I asked, it seemed like she paused to either look at something or look something up, then said "should be this week." I bet they're just messing with us and it will be the last day in March before we hear anything. HAHAHAHAHAHA <-- crazy, fried nerves laugh.
  22. What number did you call? I called 410-955-3543 yesterday and got the "this week" answer.
  23. O.M.F.G. DYING over here.
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