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RLNCC180's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I did. It's worth $2200, $1100 paid in the Fall and Winter term
  2. Your stats sound solid to me! Those are some great extracurriculars. I'm curious about your GPA calculation. How did you get 3.54 and 3.7 for 81.5%? I have a similar GPA and couldn't really find a reliable way to convert it to a 4.0 scale. What methods did you use? Thanks
  3. Got accepted to NPSIA with funding this morning too! Congrats to everyone else as well Stats: I'm graduating this May with a BA in IR. 82.2% CGPA (not sure what the 4.0 conversion is. 3.7 maybe), 83.3% GPA for 3-4th year courses. No government work experience, just 4 months of an internship with an NGO last fall. No formal research experience aside from writing research papers/reports for classes and for the NGO. LORs from two professors that I took one course with each last year. Managed to snag a 4-month volunteering position in a relevant IR field for January-April 2019, so included that in my CV. In my statement, I tried to tie in my unrelated job experience to the program (emphasized my leadership skills), indicated the professors I would enjoy learning from and why, and gave a really clear summary of the research I intended to focus on (though not sure if I would still go the research route in the NPSIA program). Good luck to anyone still waiting. I'm still waiting on Munk and Balsillie.
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