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Everything posted by SomeoneAcceptMe

  1. Looks like a shutout for me unless CUNY miraculously works out. Best of luck to you guys waiting to hear back, and congrats to everyone who got in!
  2. Given I haven't gotten a WUSTL email from DGS, can I add it to my pile of implied rejections (or at least implied non-acceptances if I'm lucky enough to get a spot on the wait list)? EDIT: Also, I've seen Cambridge rejections on results board for the MPhil. Does Cambridge not send them all out at once? I know they are on a "rolling admissions" system but I heard from some people that all that means for Cambridge is that they may contact you early if your application really wows them (don't know if that's true or not).
  3. The only thing that's keeping me from imploding from morbid despair right now is constantly replaying Holding Out for a Hero on full volume
  4. Anyone else just kinda feel like:
  5. Welp the refresh button on my email is going to break this week lol! I saw today that I missed a call from a 314 number on Thursday, which sparks a bit of hope in me. Congrats on the acceptances, it sounds like an amazing program ☺️
  6. Anyone else apply to WUSTL? Seems a little too early for people to be hearing results since apps were due on 7th--or is that just me trying to rationalize away the reality of another implied rejection? ?
  7. I love that there are like three different convos happening on this forum all at once
  8. Lol I've heard he's required to be in the room during philosophy department meetings
  9. Bentham would be proud ❤️
  10. I know a few grads in various humanities departments that didn't do too well on the GRE Q and were accepted. V and AW scores probably are looked at much more for English. Some departments are transparent and will report average GRE scores (Duke does this, for instance, and I think average Q scores are in the 150s).
  11. This meme is everything I needed and so much more
  12. I too recall seeing this on the website, but for some reason I remember it saying they aimed to start getting decisions out after the 20th? At any rate, I've been refreshing my email since like 4 AM lol
  13. Same here, a cruel reminder about how much money application cycles cost lol
  14. Anyone else see that their checklist thingy has disappeared from the UChicago application portal?
  15. Hey don't beat yourself up ❤️ That's hypocritical of me to say since I'm panicking about the whole thing, but hey: Before graduating I talked to a graduate student at my undergrad institution (which has a one of the top programs for the field he was in). He got in after his third cycle of graduate applications. He got rejected to his back up schools but got acceptances at this school and Harvard. He was reluctant, but decided to go to my undergrad institution, which he said was one of the best decisions he made. He loves his cohort, he loves the professors, he's gotten to speak at lots of conferences and publish a lot of articles even in his first couple years of a Ph.D. program (which, given that American Ph.D.'s take about 6 years and people don't start their dissertation until about the 3rd year, is rather impressive). Honestly, even though all of us are probably perfectionists, there's only so much we can criticize about ourselves in this process. It's so selective, especially for the humanities, that there is a huge degree of arbitrariness to the application process that we didn't experience when going to elite undergrad institutions. Some professors that run the admissions process at the Russell Group in the UK have even talked about how they have heavily discredited an applicant for having a typo on their personal statement. As someone who has dyslexia, that's terrifying for me lol. As you've probably already seen in the results search, even people with multiple publications get rejected. When the majority (almost all) of the applicant pool are geniuses in the field, sometimes admissions decisions come down to relatively trivial factors, which sucks, but can also be encouraging if you need to apply next cycle (which will probably be the case for me since I had a lot of personal stress during this whole process and didn't get to focus as much on my personal statements). Don't be so quick to dismiss other institutions you may get acceptances from. Go visit their program if you get invited--you may just find that it was a much better fit than you thought after all.
  16. Omg Florence ❤️ she's my queen
  17. Thanks for the suggestions! I've heard a lot of people love Giovanni's Room, so maybe I'll start there
  18. Much to my shame, I've never read James Baldwin! Any suggestions for which of his works I should read first?
  19. I adore The Winter's Tale!! Thanks for the link, I'll check it out! Gotta love BBC radio
  20. Welp, off I go to the liquor store lol. Hopefully reading some good ol' Celine or Platonov will make me feel better. Whilst on that subject, what books do you guys turn to cope with the world?
  21. That's so exciting, I've always wanted to see them! Having something to look forward to is really important for morale for sure
  22. Congrats !! Love the name by the way!
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