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Posts posted by jlmk42

  1. 19 minutes ago, olddognewtricks said:

    Just sitting in my office and looking out the window at my top school (I can see it from my desk) on the day they do interviews for my top program. Sigggghhhhhh. So close and yet so f-ing far! How’s everyone else dealing with their presumed rejections and disappointment?!

    Honestly, youre in the same boat as me! Ill be giving lab tours to perspective phd students (who got interviews)-- sooo freaking CLOSE!

    I am still hoping to hear back ~something~ from UMB, but at this point... Im presuming rejection.

    Just got to train myself to refocus that energy!! But I feel you, dude!


  2. Hello!

    So, I just finished my first application cycle and it isn't looking good (probably not getting in this round). Is it recommended that when I let professors know of my rejections, that I could still mention how I hope to apply next year and potentially ask them for LOR?

    I was not sure if thats recommended, if I plan to apply to the same programs and then use same people for LOR??


  3. Ah, I know I've seen some posts before.. but anyone hear anything yet from Suffolk, UMass Boston, or BU (I assume their invites all went out... but I also saw a new update in the results so I am not sure if they are trickling in)? I know Suffolk said their deadline is January 25th, but its been silence from them this week...

    Im going absolutely insane between the constant refreshing and minor panics whenever my phone goes off!!

    ((also, spam calls are indeed The Worst!!))

  4. 2 minutes ago, rosesandrecords said:

    Can confirm: I was snowed most of the weekend and my professor got her flight into Boston-Logan cancelled.  The city is pretty frozen right now so I'd be patient!

    Oh yeah, I actually work at a neighboring university and it is definitely a mess out here! I know this is also the first day back of the semester so its very busy... hopefully things will turn up in the next few days once it warms up a bit. Definitely will hold back on the emails then, at least for a few days :)  ((stay warm..))

  5. OOf, first real post in this forum (typically lurking...but love this sense of community!) --and  this is my first time application cycle and YIKES. 

    I have not heard anything... one school seems to have sent out everything (i think), and one POI from another seems to be reaching out for some informal interviews.. but does anyone have insight into how important those informal video/phone interviews are to the process? For this particular POI (who I did apply to work with), seems like they have talked to a few people about an informal date... but... does this mean I should just prepare myself for the "letting go" process for this program until next year? 

    ((and to all those feeling the phantom vibrations of their phone... absolutely the same, all day...CONSTANTLY!))

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