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  1. Hey! You are probably talking about subsidy rent, not about the security deposit (Kaution). I haven't applied for subsidy rent yet, will it do a bit later. I have a rent contract starting in September. I had to pay rental deposit (around 1000 euro) before moving in. I applied for this and was waiting for 3 weeks... There was no response. When the deadline of paying was close, I contacted DAAD again. This is what they told me: "We will do our best to process your case as soon as possible. Please note that a rent deposit -- if your application is successful -- can only be transferred with the first scholarship instalment, in your case at the beginning of October because your DAAD-scholarship starts on 1 October 2021." They said this only after I asked!! Why do I have to wait for 3 weeks to get this answer?! It is obviously, that if I don't pay it in September than I loose the flat. So what is the sense of transferring this deposit on 1 October? It is ridiculous. It was a pain to find an apartment and I didn't want to loose it. I withdrew my application and paid on my own. For everyone who applied for paying deposit for you: If you need to transfer you deposit before October, just know that it will never happen. This is my situation. Regarding the rent subsidy, I think I can explain you how they approximately calculate it. If you are single: Then they cover 2/3 of the difference between 30% of income and apartment/room renting cost only in some cities (see Your DAAD Stipendium 1.4.3), if your Kaltmiete is higher than 30% of income. So, for PhD scholarships, 30% from 1200 euro is 360 euro. Your Kaltmiete is 370 euro. So what they cover is (370-360)*2/3 = (approx.) 6.7 euro. According to the same 1.4.3, this will not be paid out, I am sorry If you are married: Then they cover 2/3 of the difference between 25% of income and apartment/room renting cost in all cities. Calculating with your numbers as an example, 25% from 1200 is 300 euro. What will be paid is (370 - 300)*2/3 = around 46 euro. I have checked with a couple of my friends that got scholarship last year and receive rent subsidy. This is correct up to an error margin of 5 euro I agree that a lot of things in DAAD are unfair. The biggest disappointment for me was a starting capital that you have to have in order you start your study/research in Germany. I would be happy if the only thing I need to pay in advance were tickets. Instead, I have to pay Kaution (order of 1-1.5k euro), semester social fee (~300 euro), rent for the first month (~650 euro) and also have some money for living during the first month. We won't get any money from DAAD until we open German bank account, which could take -- depending on the city, month and your foresight -- between 2 weeks and 2-3 months.
  2. Have you contacted the dean's office or someone else responsible for the admission? If yes and if you sent them all required documents, they had to contact you at least once to confirm that all requirements are fulfilled and you can be admitted. In my case I got a scan of the letter of acceptance 2 weeks after I sent all the documents. The original of this letter (hard copy) came in one month after that by post, but of course it depends on your location and national post service.
  3. Hi there! Did anyone from scholarship holders apply and successfully get rent deposit paid for him/her? I submitted an application yesterday and I'm just curious if I can expect any notification from DAAD that everything is ok with my application or that they have sent a transfer. Or should it rather be as usually ridiculous - no feedback at all...
  4. Hi! I will be at RUB. I'm coming with my husband, so we are looking for a small flat. There is a student accommodation company called AKAFÖ. They have a lot of rooms for a good price. However, all their family flats are already occupied, so I personally continue looking for other accommodation options. If room in dormitory fits you, apply as soon as you get admission letter from your program in RUB. You can message me privately here if I can help with any kind of advise.
  5. The language course is not necessary 4 months, it can be one or two months as well. I think if they offered a 4 month course now for selected candidates, people would get a notification/e-mail about the enrollment. In my case, I got notification about the scholarship almost 2 month ago, although I am still waiting for award letter! In that notification they offered 2 month course in August and September. I have read once that duration of the course depends on your prior knowledge of German, but I don't know if it is indeed so. I have German B2 level at the moment.
  6. No, it doesn't. You need to apply separately to all three universities. DAAD scholarship and university admission are not connected. DAAD just gives you money to study in Germany, all other stuff (university admission, visa if needed) you have to do by yourself.
  7. Hi everyone! For those who got funding - how much time did it take to get Award Letter after the notification that you got a scholarship? I received a congratulation via messages on the portal saying that I was awarded a scholarship (Research Grants - Doctoral Programmes in Germany, 2021/22) on the 9th of April. They also asked to confirm German course attendance. After I sent them back an e-mail with confirmation via portal, I had no news. It is almost one month since I got notification and still no Award Letter. Anyone in the same situation? My status now is 'Selection made' but I have bank-related staff under the Options.
  8. I will graduate soon with Master's degree in Physics. My PhD is going to be at Astronomisches Institut RUB, although I haven't done anything for the admission yet. My supervisor says that the admission doesn't take much time, but I need to have all my documents ready, including Master's diploma. It is already a bit more than 2 weeks since I got notification about scholarship, but I haven't received my award letter yet. I will start admission process as soon as I collect all necessary documents.
  9. Hi, I got doctoral scholarship and will do my PhD at RUB.
  10. Thanks! My PhD will be in astrophysics.
  11. News from Ukraine! I just got an email that I have new massage in the portal. There was a document attached to this massage saying that I got the scholarship!! Yay!!? I applied for PhD scholarship. I will also have 2-months German course in August and September. The award letter will come later. Right now my dates of funding have changed, but the status is still 'selection made'. Dreams come true. ❤️
  12. I don't think so. The change in dates just means that application is being processed. From my personal experience, I applied 2 years ago for scholarship for Master's in all disciplines. My dates had changed before I got rejection. Now I'm applying for PhD scholarship, my dates haven't changed yet. Let's wait and keep our fingers crossed.
  13. Hi there! I can clearly understand your point. I think the same happens for most of the applicants for DAAD PhD scholarship. Personally for me, my research proposal is the best statement I have ever written. I did it together with my prospective supervisor and her postdoc. The more we were planning our research, the more stronger was my willing to participate in it . My recommendation letter was also at the high level. For a number of reasons, DAAD scholarship is the only funding source that could allow to start PhD this year. I suppose the same is applicable for the majority of PhD candidates. Surely, the funding is very limited, thus the scholarship is highly competitive. So, I would recommend you to keep a cool head, because at the moment you can do nothing to support you candidature. Don't loose the hope, but think about any other options to pursue your degree (next year admission or another supervisor with his/her funding). I am waiting for my results too, trying to balance between rational searching for plan B (in case of rejection) and upcoming waiting-caused mental health disorder ?
  14. A week ago, on the 18th of March
  15. Ahh, then hopefully you can see it soon I'm waiting too... The more time I wait after the 'selection made' status appeared the more I'm anxious about the selection results.
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