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    CatholicHobbit got a reaction from crunderdunder in Help Choosing a School   
    Hi everyone, thanks so much for all of the awesome advice!!!  I've decided to go to School A and I'm feeling so excited and at peace about the decision!
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    CatholicHobbit reacted to ThePeon in Help Choosing a School   
    Having known a number of graduate students in philosophy, I do think social fit is underrated. After all, you are choosing to spend the next 5-7 years of your life working in this one department, so I wouldn't downplay it's importance for you even if it isn't directly relevant to your future job prospects. I personally know a couple of graduate students who say they regret not factoring social fit more into their decision (though whether or not they would have ultimately made a different decision is a different question). Even from a purely career-focused perspective, feeling like you don't fit in can make it harder to stay positive and motivated through the difficult process of a PhD (which, remember, usually 40%+ drop out rates IIRC). But also keep in mind that you are basing your perception of social fit on first impressions.
    On the flip side, not having professors who share your research interests can be difficult, as well. It can be isolating in its own way, and makes your research harder. However, given that you are coming right out of undergrad instead of a masters program, you should also keep in mind that your research interests may well evolve over time, so I'm not sure a school having a single professor in your area who is a good fit should on its own be decisive. Academic fit is much broader than that. For instance, if A had more professors working in you general area than B, then you should weigh that as well, even if they have no one professor who is as good of a fit as the one at B.
    Have you also considered other factors, like placement rate, ranking, location, the diversity of areas of specialization in each department, and so on? I know you said these aren't your primary considerations, but perhaps they could serve to tip the scales if you're genuinely undecided.
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    CatholicHobbit reacted to crunderdunder in Help Choosing a School   
    Wow, I just made a very similar choice yesterday. But today, I am feeling good about it. Here are some questions that may help you as they helped me:
    How confident are you of your interests remaining the same in a few years? Are there even profs at A of whom you predict: if I study with this person, my interests will be influenced?
    How confident are you of the difference in social fit? Could it just have been a fluke, or no? More tired at one of the visits, eg?
    Will there be chances to study the particular thing at A? Maybe your friends would do a reading group with you? Maybe ask them if the profs are known to be open to supervising projects that don't fit their respective things perfectly? 
    Did you connect at all with the prof at B? If so, a nice email saying nice to meet you, wish I could come, but can't, and would you mind reading paper X when finished could be the start of a relationship that may end up in her being an external member of your committee, or your being a visiting student later, or something like that. 
    If the prof at B left (happens! worth asking around quietly if you can) would there be others you could work with?
    Happy to talk more by pm if you like! I remember this agony acutely.
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    CatholicHobbit reacted to Zanelol in Help Choosing a School   
    I, for one, disagree with @armchair_revolutionary's argument. You are going to be with the people in your research lab 24/7 and being friends with the people in your lab is a HUGE plus. I've been in labs with people I liked and people I didn't like and I truly believe the environment of a lab is a primary concern. 
    I would see if the Professor from School A would be open to having you perform research in your area of interest. One of the PhD students at my current lab (for my UG) made and is working on a project that is in a different field (health) than the rest of the projects (information security) in the lab. 
    Good work comes out of vibrant and social environments. 
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    CatholicHobbit reacted to Very Hungry Caterpillar in Help Choosing a School   
    Sorry to be the kid that says this, but Philosophy departments don't have research labs. We do definitely end up spending time with our cohort and other grad students, and a good grad student body will contribute a lot to a sense of belonging/climate, but it's easier to lone wolf than it is in a more sciencey environment. (Not that it's recommended). 

    This is important, but be patient with yourself! Some professors are still anxious as hell. I think it's just finding a way to work with it. Some academics, especially in philosophy, are the most awkward people I have ever seen,  so chances are, the person you're interacting with is also anxious! 
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    CatholicHobbit reacted to armchair_revolutionary in Help Choosing a School   
    Thanks for posting. Feeling comfortable in a department is nothing to scoff at.
    Here is my question: did you feel comfortable with the professors at school B, particularly the one whose interests you have a great match with? This, I think, is what is most important. Ultimately, though you may get along well with them and build great friendships, your fellow graduate students will not be the ones vouching for your work and ability come time to look for a professorship. The importance of developing strong relationships with professors who can help you move onto the next phase of your career cannot be overstated.
    In addition, at the risk of sounding callous, getting over (or being more comfortable with) that anxiety will serve you well as you look to finish you PhD and look to pursue a professorship. You, most likely, will not be able to build a career around your anxiety, so pushing yourself a bit now may prove invaluable.
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    CatholicHobbit got a reaction from Rose-Colored Beetle in Help Choosing a School   
    Hi guys, I need some help/advice on deciding between two schools (and it's terrifyingly close to the 15th!)  I'm coming straight from undergrad and I've been admitted to two great PhD programs! There are two main factors that I'm deliberating between: academic fit and social fit.  Backstory on the social consideration: I'm very shy and have social anxiety, but it's extremely important for me to feel connected with people...it's just very hard to achieve for me.  I know I won't be as successful in a program if it isn't also a good social fit; that's why it's as important to me as the academic fit.
    School A has a couple profs with research interests in the same ballpark as mine, but not exactly the same focus and emphasis.  However, I LOVED the people there and made some close friends that I'm still in contact with.  I felt like I easily made progress in overcoming the social anxiety and became connected and attached to the people.
    School B has a prof there whose interests match up exactly with mine!  She's really big in my AOI and it'd be so exciting to study with her.  However, while the people were very nice, I didn't feel quite as connected there.  While I think I'd end up okay socially, it just wasn't as good (or instant) of a fit as School A.
    So, what are yall's opinions/experiences on the importance of academic and/or social fit?  I welcome any and all suggestions because I'm torn.  Thanks so much for reading!!!
  8. Upvote
    CatholicHobbit got a reaction from armchair_revolutionary in Help Choosing a School   
    Hi guys, I need some help/advice on deciding between two schools (and it's terrifyingly close to the 15th!)  I'm coming straight from undergrad and I've been admitted to two great PhD programs! There are two main factors that I'm deliberating between: academic fit and social fit.  Backstory on the social consideration: I'm very shy and have social anxiety, but it's extremely important for me to feel connected with people...it's just very hard to achieve for me.  I know I won't be as successful in a program if it isn't also a good social fit; that's why it's as important to me as the academic fit.
    School A has a couple profs with research interests in the same ballpark as mine, but not exactly the same focus and emphasis.  However, I LOVED the people there and made some close friends that I'm still in contact with.  I felt like I easily made progress in overcoming the social anxiety and became connected and attached to the people.
    School B has a prof there whose interests match up exactly with mine!  She's really big in my AOI and it'd be so exciting to study with her.  However, while the people were very nice, I didn't feel quite as connected there.  While I think I'd end up okay socially, it just wasn't as good (or instant) of a fit as School A.
    So, what are yall's opinions/experiences on the importance of academic and/or social fit?  I welcome any and all suggestions because I'm torn.  Thanks so much for reading!!!
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    CatholicHobbit reacted to Duns Scotus in Rejections   
    I know how you feel ? 
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    CatholicHobbit got a reaction from BetweenBars in Acceptances   
    I'm the University of South Carolina person!  Did anyone apply there too? 
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