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Everything posted by poutinead

  1. You won't be in Toronto which I know is a bummer for you but you 'll be in Ottawa...which for IR type stuff is still pretty good.
  2. How did you find out you were waitlisted? Did you get a letter ?
  3. My file still says 'UNDER REVIEW'. Given that 'many acceptances' have been sent from Munk already I am going to assume my application was not successful. I will wait till the bars open at 11AM and then ruminate over a few beers about why I even bothered applying. This is super depressing.
  4. My Munk has been status quo since I opened the Acorn portal a few weeks ago...I have not been 'invited'. I know officially that doesnt mean anything but boy....its disconcerting. I wish Munk would be a little more coordinated ...
  5. Anyone still seeing this on their BSIA application? I got a call from the Program Director early last week saying I was admitted but nothing official (as in a letter). Just hoping a letter comes soon...I wont be able to attend their open house tomorrow otherwise I could have cleared up the matter (I could just call him again but that would be too logical)...
  6. Where does one find the 'invited' status on ACORN? I don't see it...which worries me...perhaps I've been rejected..
  7. I have not heard anything nor seen anything updated on my file from BSIA (it still says there is no decision on my application) even though I received a phone call from the Program Director saying I was being offered admission. I don't want to be paranoid but..... ;-(
  8. I see a lot of messages here about 'funding'...just curious...and this might be a really stupid question...but what is the difference between 'funding' and a 'scholarship'? An admission offer is received said 'funding'..and it more than covered tuition (still left about $6K)..is that what makes it funding? Is it that it covers more than tuition?
  9. Has there been any scuttlebutt over the number of applicants this year or why there is/was a delay in the admissions process? Last year offers were made beginning March 9th. Munk notified me via email (as has been mentioned a few times on this board) that offers this year would be sent out towards the end of the month. For some of us that means having to either ask for extensions at other schools or risk accepting then turning around and rescinding the acceptance...
  10. I submitted my application back in December. The admissions guy said I had 'full funding' but no mention of this 'fellowship'. As long as I am I guess that's all that matter but it would be interesting to see what I'd have to do to qualify for this.
  11. Does anyone know anything about these Graduate Fellowships at BSIA? Its on their web page but when I got a call from the Program Director advising me I was admitted he didn't mention anything about this. Does that mean I didn't get it? Or do I have to apply for it?
  12. Congratulations on the full funding..I asked some of my professors for feedback on the various programs and they all had good things to say about BSIA...
  13. I am now waiting the letter (the whole lets see it in actual writing thing)...lots to think about over the new few days...now just waaaiiiiitng on Munk
  14. This has been mentioned in earlier posts but Munk has advised that its MGA decisions will be communicated towards the end of the month...possibly spilling over into April. Why so late? Not sure.
  15. Yes it is likely my top choice...I live in Toronto now so Munk is easier on the housing/adjustment front...but the sticker price and the potential lack of funding will be a challenge (and I haven't even been admitted yet) to wrestle with...still I have heard only good things about BSIA so it will be a VERY tough choice with academic and non academic factors at play... I grew up in Waterloo (high school and first undergrad) but that was a LONG time ago...still its like going home..
  16. Congratulations!...I just got a call from Waterloo...was offered admission into the MAGG program with full funding (not sure what the total will be $$$ wise but still grateful)..
  17. Just got call from BSIA...accepted with full funding (not sure what that amount to $$$ wise???) ...very excited and relieved (Waterloo is my home town...high school etc)
  18. I am not sure what's causing the delay...last year decisions were sent out March 9th...so to say 'end of March' seems odd. Was it the glitch over the video essay? Did they really get that many more applicants this year? I guess its pointless to speculate. And I am not sure if a university like UofT (biggest in Canada) feels pressure for anything...
  19. I emailed Munk and was basically told late March to early April for admission decisions...and then curiously was advised to ask the school whose deadline is the 15th if they were either flexible or if there was a penalty if I canceled by acceptance...I'm pulling my hair out over this...because as someone mentioned in an another post..its a small world (IR/poli sci) ..what if I accept, then ditch ..then 2-3 years later apply for a Phd?..how good does that look?? ...there aren't THAT many schools in Canada...if this was the US, sure...you have 20 top flight universities you can afford to upset...here ..not so much
  20. I'm curious...what are the implications/consequences of 'rescinding an acceptance'? (other than potentially burning that bridge)...are their legal/financial consequences? I am in a situation where a school has offered me admission and given me till the middle of the month to decide...but I've also applied to Munk and like others on this board been told no decision till the end of March..its a very difficult position to be in.
  21. No word yet..very anxious...I have to tell another school by the 15th of my decision so I would love it if Munk told me before then...
  22. Congratulations...I wish I had applied to NPSIA ...if only to get a decision before Munk/BSIA...this is the loooooooooooogest February ever...
  23. Congratulations!...do you mind sharing 'stats'?
  24. Got accepted in to Queen's MA program (political studies)....$13K funding with a TA thingy..
  25. Congratulations...Queens told me this morning that successful applicants (for the MA program in political studies) would be notified in the next 'few days'...so here goes.... Waterloo BSIA has an open house on the 15th of March. I thought it was curious to get an invite to the open house...when my application is still pending..but perhaps I am reading too much into it..
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