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Posts posted by mppa

  1. On 5/7/2019 at 11:03 AM, lak.dan said:

    Completely agree! Whats worse is that applications for Ryerson were due the earliest! At the Open House they told us that Ryerson usually sends out acceptances the earliest but clearly that isn't the case. I called in March and got the same response as others that they don't know when acceptances would be going out and it could be until Summer that we hear back. 

    Honestly!! That's why it's sooo irritating because it was literally due back in December and when you call them it's useless. If this is how useless they are with admissions I don't even want to imagine how shitty they must be once you're actually admitted. So over it lol & they're not Harvard so I really don't understand the length in acceptances/rejections 

  2. On 4/18/2019 at 11:43 PM, Timbit said:

    It's a small program, so it's nice to hear a positive review! There aren't as many people to chat with about their experience as is the case with the bigger programs like Munk, GSPIA, etc. I asked for an extension but they could only give me an extra few days.

    My quest status changed to 'Deny' today, so it turns out it was good I went with my gut and accepted McMaster haha. 

    The small cohort makes the experience better. Profs are amazing and the courses are very interesting so you will enjoy your time. Best of luck!

  3. On 4/15/2019 at 12:59 AM, Timbit said:

    Declined Munk and U of O, so hopefully that helps move the waitlist a bit.

    The Balsillie MAGG waitlist hasn't moved at all, so I opted to accept a full-ride to McMaster and do their IR program. Conflicted on if I should withdrawn my Balsillie application for 'closure' haha. I just desperately want this to be done with and concrete. ughhh

    Currently finishing up my MA in IR at Mac and it's a great program. You can always ask Mac to give you an extension with acceptance, that's what I did last year.

  4. On 4/3/2019 at 9:28 PM, torontonian2019 said:

    I am having some doubts on whether I should do U of T MPP or Ryerson MPPA. Can someone help give me the pros and cons for each. Thanks!!

    UofT's MPP program being 2 years is a con itself, no guarantee of paid internship or internship at all, it's soo expensive as well and the courses seem a lot more boring & heavily quantitive focused. 

  5. 18 hours ago, elicit said:

    Does anyone know if more acceptances to Waterloo's MPS will be going out?  It's my top choice, but I haven't heard anything from them yet and my other offers expire if I don't respond by the end of the month.  Also... would it be bad form for me to accept my offer to Munk but pull out if I get an offer from Waterloo?  I realize I'd lose the deposit...

    Yeah, that would be pretty bad to do that

  6. On 3/5/2019 at 11:58 AM, pokegenie said:

    Do they give TAships once you start courses in the University? My funding is kind of underwhelming. I haven't received any TA or RA, considering I have no background can't complain. But all scholarships combined, I have 14k (available only for the first year, nothing on second year was included). So I was wondering if you can personally go and apply for a TA or RA once you finish a semester or two.

    You can definitely apply in September, they send out an email. PhD students are the ones with guaranteed TAships and depending on how big your cohort is you are almost always guaranteed a TA position as a graduate student. They almost always need TA's so they typically see grad students as qualified lol. 

  7. 3 hours ago, saint77 said:

    Any takes on deciding between UofT and Queen's? UofT appears to be more prestigious due to its global recognition whereas Queen's is more established in Canada having an expansive alumni network. From what I've gathered hiring managers do not care about prestige and are more focused on work experience over the academic rigor of a program. As far as I know, transcripts are not requested during job competitions making grades irrelevant. However, UofT's prestige seems to open doors to more international placements along with guaranteed internships. Is Queen's MPA more risky in the sense that an internship isn't guaranteed and everyone competes for one or does its alumni network make that a non-issue? I guess it would be silly to assume that just because one was from Queen's MPA that they would be chosen over a UofT MPP graduate. The additional year at UofT also lends itself to securing more internships in 1st year and the summer after 2nd year. When competing for job competitions it would seem that cumulating these experiences would be beneficial as most candidates will only have relevant public policy work experience from the opportunities provided to them in graduate school. It seems like there are anecdotal stories that back up the pros and cons of each institution, would anyone have any more insight into which of these schools outperforms one another in any aspect. I'm trying to understand if the 50k UofT tuition and additional year provide a worthwhile added value. 


    Hi. Both programs are very good. Even with UofT you are not guaranteed an internship so that's something to keep in mind. I know someone in the current MPP program at UofT and it sems very econ/stats based so I'm not sure if that is something you were more geared towards. I also know a girl who did the MPA at Queens and landed at a job with the Ministry of Labour (I believe) as a Policy Analyst right after. Although UofT is more prestigious it doesn't hold much value if you don't really have any work experience coming out of a 2 year Masters program and not being able to secure an internship during that time. It is also very expensive and personally, I just didn't see the point of doing a 2 year Masters in Public Policy when I know I can spend a year at another university and gain relevant work experience as well. You should also take a look at the courses offered and see which appeals to you the most. Best of luck!

  8. 7 minutes ago, eyeb said:

    All these schools are top in their field (in Canada). Getting into grad school is an enough of an accomplishment and should not be diminished by the line of thinking that one is a lesser school:).  Also if it helps, my sister went to a 'nothing' school for her Masters and still landed her dream job :).

    You’re absolutely right, some people put too much emphasis on the school and equate that with getting a job. Reality check - if you don’t have the right connections or work experience the likelihood of one getting a job solely based on the school they went to is slim to none.

  9. 2 hours ago, ladenisse said:

    Congrats!! Did they send you an email? when did you submit your application?

    Thank you. Yes, I got an email, the formal letter they said will be sent in the next few days. I submitted my application at the end of December/beginning of January but my 2nd reference submitted his a few days before the deadline.

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