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About Hanhan**

  • Birthday June 5

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  • Location
    United States
  • Application Season
    2020 Fall

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  1. @CarlyS wow, that's amazing news! If I may ask, is it a full scholarship/stipend? Have a blast at Stanford next year (I hope we will indeed be allowed back on campus by September). I still haven't made a decision, but think that I will not be going to CREEES. I'm thinking about doing a European one-year fully funded program and then applying to a PhD program in Russian studies in the US. Are you planning on working afterwards, or would you also like to get a PhD? Stay healthy amidst all of this!
  2. @TimTheEnchanter Thank you for your long message! St. Antony's indeed sounds amazing and offers so many additional possibilities for my field of study. Do you happen to remember if you/others were informed about getting a scholarship when you were told about your college placement or if this came later? I'm actually a EU (Western Europe)-US citizen, so I guess I might have better chances for a scholarship given your anecdote. The college placement information came so much quicker than expected, so I'm hoping that I'll hear about any scholarships from Oxford before mid-April, when I have to accept/reject my other offers. Do you agree that living costs are as high as 1.200 pounds/month? This seems very high in my opinion...
  3. I got into St. Antony's. I know that they have several separate scholarships that students in my MPhil course can apply to, but I thought I understood that Oxford also offered other scholarships. How common is it to get funding/how high is it on average (for a non-UK citizen)?
  4. @polyphoria I received my college placement today (fairly early, I thought it would take a lot longer), but without any information concerning scholarships/funding. Do you know if we'll be informed separately of any money sources, or if I didn't get any as nothing was mentioned in either of my offers?
  5. @Ocelot
  6. Not at all ^^ I'm even reconsidering rejecting all the offers and reapplying next year with an outside scholarship that would pay full tuition or in hope of an offer for a PhD/more funding for an MA program. What are your main concerns? Financial, location, program, etc.?
  7. Hi everyone, I applied directly out of a (3-year) undergrad with myriad work experience and some publications to top programs in a field in polisci that interests me. However, I got low scholarships or none at the schools that admitted me, and am now overthinking "if they really want me". Most of these programs only accept a cohort of less than 10 students and have limited funding availability. Still, not getting any funding has made me quite self-conscious... Do you think that I should reapply next year after having secured additional scholarships and gained more work experience? Would that make me more "wanted" by the university? Thanks!
  8. I'm also waiting. News about funding will have a huge impact on my decision... Do you know if most students are typically awarded scholarships or if this is a rare phenomenon?
  9. I think this is fine if you have they're personal contacts and they remember your name. I have some former classmates that applied to the same programs as I did and got to know a couple of "close" acquaintances that I have reached out about their decisions. I wouldn't message it as a first question though.
  10. How would you compare the prestige/name recognition of Stanford University and Oxford University (in Eurasian Regional Studies)? Do you think I would have less chances in the US think tank/academic world with a degree from Oxford (and an undergraduate degree from Europe as well) as an American national? Is the high price of Stanford worth the cost if I could attend Oxford for less money? Thanks a lot!
  11. Hello everyone, I've heard back from most programs I have applied to and have been given around one month to make final decisions. I'm an American-European dual citizen and have lived in Germany, France and the United States (and am fluent in those languages). I was admitted to 1) one-year program in Russian, East European and Eurasian studies at Stanford University without any funding. I'll get FAFSA and have another scholarship that will pay around ~10,000$. Pros: name recognition (!), small cohort (~5-7), very interesting classes and great professors, chance to learn more regional languages Cons: no funding, relocation to the West Coast, high cost of living in Cali, "only" one year - is this enough time for me to get the most out of the project? 2) dual degree between the Fletcher School (MALD) and the College of Europe (European Interdisciplinary Studies) with 12,000$ at Fletcher (and yet unknown sum) at the College. Pros: amazing schools, some funding, I know Tufts/Fletcher already and have contacts there for internships/TA positions etc., degrees from two continents, mandatory internship, professional school, contact with military fellows and many international students, Boston Cons: name recognition is not as high as at other schools, only one semester is spent at the College of Europe, strong transatlantic focus which isn't necessarily my primary region of interest but surely very important, maybe too professional in focus? 3) MPhil in Russian and East European Studies at Oxford University with yet unknown funding. Two-year program. Pros: amazing school with great name recognition, research focus, great opportunities and languages (Georgian, Russian etc.) Cons: Brexit situation and unclear future, relocation to the UK, less classes of which I have taken some already, less guidance and focus on independent work/research 4) Masters in International Security at Sciences Po Pros: cheaper than the other programs, name recognition, great and interesting classes, flexible third semester (exchange, thesis, internship) Cons: I did my bachelor's here (am I boring to go there for my master's as well?), no large focus/expertise on Russia/Eastern Europe, I enjoy the American system a lot more than the French system I'm still waiting on a decision from a one-year program at the College of Europe I am considering applying for the dual degree between Sciences Po and MGIMO, but unsure if this dual degree is as good as the other options that I currently have or if I'd even consider going there (see reasons not to attend Sciences Po again). Which program do you think would be best? Does name recognition outweigh financial considerations? Should I still apply to the dual degree Sciences Po-MGIMO? Thanks a lot!
  12. I just got into the dual degree between Fletcher and the College of Europe with funding. I might decide to do that (low debt) although the Russian focus isn't as strong in that program. I'm still waiting for the decision by Oxford and the College of Europe (one-year program) until I make my final choice. Have you heard back about funding for Stanford yet?
  13. Hey Carly, Sorry for my late reply. You sound really interesting as well and I'd love to hear more about Tajikistan/Central Asia! I also didn't take the GRE which severely limited the programs I could apply to in the US (luckily I found out about Stanford before the deadline ). Until now, I've only heard back from Stanford and got in as well (no funding though...). I would like to accept the offer, but am not sure if relocating to the West Coast + tuition + only one year of study is worth a degree from Stanford - as much as I love the program, opportunities and classes. Do you know if we can benefit from funding such as the FLAS programs or others in the one-year program, as we'll have graduated that year? I'm also applying to Sciences Po (my alma mater), but am unsure if I should do International Security or Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs at PSIA. How did you make your decision and when will you hear back? My application isn't due until March 31st. PS: Congrats on the acceptance at Stanford! Do let me know about your decision. We might end up there together!!
  14. @CarlyS wonderful! I just emailed them as my application status says "incomplete". Is it the same with you? Also, what is your background?
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