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jck349 last won the day on November 5 2022

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  1. Sorry about the rejection! Onwards and upwards!! Of your list, I only applied to Brown and Northwestern and haven't heard anything from either. The wait continues...
  2. I didn't apply to CMU this year, but some folks on the results page posted rejection notices. I applied to Hunter and Northwestern and haven't heard anything either!
  3. Welcome! The waiting is the hardest part, but it's fortunately almost over. It's my third time applying, and I think you're right about the general timeline. Most interview requests (at least for programs that had January deadlines) will be sent out in the back half of February. Nobody's posted *anything* yet on the results page for Playwriting MFAs, but I imagine they'll start rolling in after Presidents' Day... Then decisions usually come mid-March, then it's the Waitlist Shuffle. I feel ya about planning for the future. I was in the same boat as you last year, considering changing my day job with the specter of grad school some months down the line... I changed my day job and didn't get into any MFA programs, the plus side being that I've been able to spend the last year at a MUCH better day job than if I had put all my eggs in the "moving off to school in the Fall" basket. Best of luck to you and to everyone!!
  4. Hello! I didn't apply to Carnegie this year, but last year I got my interview invitation email on February 15. I'm pretty chill at the moment, but once we get past Valentine's Day and the decisions are imminent, I think my face will begin to melt as well.
  5. That would be exciting! I'll definitely post as soon as I hear anything!
  6. All finished with my apps! Submitted to Brown, Hunter, Iowa, Northwestern, and UCSD. It's my third time applying, so hopefully third time's the charm... Best of luck to everyone!!
  7. Is anybody else applying to Brown? I submitted the application and the application status says "awaiting materials." Does anyone else have the same status? Just want to make sure they got everything!
  8. Awesome! Just sent you a DM!
  9. I was also going to ask the same people I asked last year for letters of rec... I don't know if it's "bad" or not, but I think some schools even keep your letters of rec on file (with the implication that they can be reused for future applications), so it doesn't seem like the kind of thing they look down upon.
  10. Best of luck everyone! I'm applying to UT Austin, Northwestern, Iowa, Brooklyn, Hunter, Brown, San Diego, and Rutgers (if they're indeed opening their application this year)! This might be my last cycle applying, so it's definitely the most schools I've applied to at once...
  11. This will be my third cycle, but last time I only applied to two schools, and the time before that I was a bit under-prepared... Where's everyone applying to this year? Also, does anybody know if Rutgers is accepting applications this year and if Ohio's program still exists?
  12. So... Is anybody applying for Fall 2024?
  13. Has anybody gotten a rejection or wait-list notice from Iowa? I know they've already sent acceptances, but they'll have to send official updates to the rest of us at some point soon!
  14. Welcome and congrats!! 45 minutes seems like a long interview, so that's probably a good sign haha! Where else did you apply/hear back from?
  15. I didn't apply this year, but when I applied in the past I got a rejection email on February 24. But by that point, they were already deep in the interview process, so it was pretty obvious that a rejection was coming. Check the application portal if you haven't!
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