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Everything posted by Kapol-in

  1. I think my application cycle has officialy ended, I was denied from around 12+ schools and accepted to only one, which I guess is all that matters... I will most likely attend the program that offered admission to me in the Fall--I really wish you all good luck in all your endeavors, this cycle has been extremely tough
  2. I just got notifcation that my graduate program also extended offers of admission to six other students, that seems like a lot to me..? Are they anticipating that most will decline the offer? It also doesn't make too much sense since I was put as an "alternate for funding," so does that mean they they have funded offers but not me, and if so, then how did they choose who would be given funded offers? Does anyone know more about this situation?
  3. Wow, that's something else... You'll probably be laughing about this in a couple of days
  4. Thank you! Me too. Good to know, thank you a lot. The thing is about this program is that they don't admit people to the PhD unless they already have an MA in History of Science, though of course they probably have lots of varied situations.
  5. Have been pretty depressed since my last post, I just barely got an acceptance from UOklahoma for their History of Science MA program; honestly didn't think I was going to be accepted anywhere, so this is nice. Downside however is that I'm an "alternate for funding" and that they're "working on funding" for me, no idea what this means, it was very vague, but hopefully it all turns out okay...
  6. Damn... thx
  7. Anyone claiming those Cincinnati acceptances? That was one of my top choices...
  8. Whose idea was it to send me these two emails today?
  9. Well I was just denied from this program so I guess I got my answer...
  10. So I saw a single acceptance for a program I applied to on Facebook, now for the same program I'm only seeing waitlists on the result page, is this a good sign or a bad sign... Does anybody know?
  11. Yea I have a record of them on my Sticky Notes... So far they're all late
  12. That UC Riverside English acceptance on the results page is haunting me rn
  13. You're saying they're quick to make decisions? Just seems to vary so much by program.
  14. Usually when people leave too long of comments they're taken down to be checked, I'm guessing some sort of way to scan againt spam messages
  15. Those Berkeley rejections came in a swift wave, if you see the results page it seems pretty crazy, but yea same.
  16. Man that sucks, I hope you get in somewhere
  17. Yea, most of my rejections have been from respected places with probably tons of applicants but I cant help but feel like I will literally get rejected from everywhere...
  18. Denied from Berkeley feeling GREAT !
  19. Denied to Cornell Comp Lit... yay
  20. Just got an email that I was denied from Cornell Comp Lit, it seems like a general email.
  21. Full Doomer is coming out in me right now... Hopefully Berkeley will also release rejections today so the anguish can stop
  22. Jeez, I'm seeing that as well... nothing on my end... two of them that submitted results were acceptances so
  23. Thanks! Yea, I still wanted to apply to UOregon so I chose the next big thing--a faculty member there and I share similar interests.
  24. Yea, I just posted that mostly to play devils advocate
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