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Everything posted by nervousbiochemist

  1. Hey guys, congrats to everyone who nabbed an award. Obviously a lot of luck involved in this whole process given the crazy impressive academic track records of some people who didn't - academia is indeed hell. Was wondering if any past applicants can remember if NSERC sends out feedback (and how)? I've heard murmurings about physical letters being mailed to people's house or whatever but I'm not sure if they ditched that re: COVID. Also, is the feedback just scores on a rubric or are there actual comments like how CIHR does it? Thanks!
  2. Oh man... imagine if they just told us this upfront instead of making us guess for a whole month lol Thanks for checking in with them!
  3. Hey! I think the federal and provincial competitions are separate, so it's possible to get offers from both (but not to hold both). I got lucky with NSERC CGS-M last year and was still offered OGS a couple weeks later as a sort of a formality even though the department knew I couldn't accept it. I guess it also depends on the school/department and how carefully they keep track of who's accepted what award. Fingers crossed for all of us! Only two weeks of possible waiting left :')
  4. Please let me know if the associate director replies! If I don't hear anything by this week I'll just assume it's a no. Definitely odd that no domestic applicants have reported invitations, although I think they could possibly do two rounds of interviews (one in late Jan, one mid-Feb?) based on what I've seen from previous years. Congrats on all your other interviews!!
  5. Has anyone heard back from Harvard MCO/do we know if they're done sending out invites? Saw from the results page that someone in the 2018 cycle got an interview invitation mid-January but I'm beginning to think that was a one-off... I'm an international applicant but I haven't seen much news from domestic applicants either.
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