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Everything posted by jlc816

  1. pre-doctoral fellowship, rejected:( Got comments from one reviewer, super positive. Two reviewers overall seems to be positive, the other seemed quite harsh. wish I had gotten more comments so I know how to improve! congrats to the awardees / HM!
  2. Taking back / editing what I said: I think if you are working at a gov't planning agency or CDC, you might have a large learning curve / and still think they will prefer someone who has experience / education from the U.S. BUT if you are working somewhere where policy isn't at the heart of what you do, or if you are doing more research-based work, I think you would have more luck. If that makes sense? I'm also not sure how the pandemic affects career options, generally... I do have to say I enjoyed the time I did spend in London, had a great advisor - learned some interesting things - but as I mentioned, feel like I didn't have enough time to dive deeply into the topics. I similarly ended up in London for the same reasons - wanting to be abroad again, saving money b/c it's one year - the latter of which, for reasons mentioned, I regret. wrt to people having heard of schools abroad: generally, unless you are speaking to an academic or someone familiar with the planning field, my experience has been that very few people know of schools aside from oxford / cambridge / lse. Even with UCL being one of the top-ranked built environment schools globally, whenever I mention UCL, they think I am talking about UCLA. This of course, is restricted to the U.S. Not sure about looking for jobs in the EU/Asia -- but i think the EU, similarly to the UK, have become more stringent with issuing visas. And of course, would also depend on your language proficiency. Hope this helps! I wish I had known all this before going to London...
  3. hey! I studied at UCL and got a MSc. in urban regeneration there. If you are interested in working in the U.S. after, I would advise against it since the planning systems are so different; and I do think people hiring here might either be unfamiliar w/ the programs or just more likely to hire someone with a U.S. education. plus, the one year degree also meant I didn't get a chance to learn as much as I would have liked... Relatedly, I had wanted to work in the UK/EU. It was also difficult to find jobs there, especially with the UK (and now with brexit). They have to prove they can't hire anyone there w/ a UK residency / citizenship before sponsoring you for a visa, which itself is also expensive... and a long process. so I don't think places there are really willing to put in that effort unless you are exception. Those are my thoughts!
  4. waitlisted at MIT! They had mentioned if I had external funding guaranteed for 3 years, I could move off the list. Unfortunately I was not diligent and missed the scholarship deadlines this year, so looking like using external funding at the schools I'm waitlisted at is not an option for me. Kicking myself as I will not be eligible for the NSF GRFP funding next year Two more schools for me. Hope everyone is hearing some positive news.
  5. Yeah.. I saw a few acceptances and waitlist. Was hoping that because they are calling, that the professor tasked with the call has been busy -- I guess I'll give it until tomorrow! But if I don't hear anything, will just give up hope.
  6. I'm looking at queerness/informal economies/urban planning -- specifically at labor organizing. How about you?
  7. Sorry to hear about Berkeley! I was waitlisted at UCLA.
  8. @ventiicedamericano have you heard anything from the UC schools?
  9. Not sure, but don't think so. UCLA has already sent out all their acceptances last week
  10. @ventiicedamericano yep i'll be there @apps20mesh i read they don't do interviews. but I've heard they met a few weeks ago to narrow down the applicant pool already.
  11. will you be heading to the admit day at USC next week? I am assuming the same for UCLA, although so far only seeing a waitlist so... i'm holding out hope... (I've been wavering between feeling dejected and hopeful this weekend, lol, since UCLA is my top choice!)
  12. congrats to you both! @allig8r @in_cog_nito!
  13. I applied to 5 UP Phd programs -- USC, UBC, UCLA, UPenn, and MIT. Awaiting info from UCLA and getting really nervous! Has anyone heard from them at all? I've only seen one waitlist and someone had posted that all admissions have been notified... maybe i should just assume it's a rejection? Ahh! Hope everyone hears some positive news in the coming weeks.
  14. Update: Accepted: USC ($$$$) Waitlisted: CUNY (geography) Rejected: UCB (geography) -- not surprised. I did poorly on the interview. Pending: UCLA, UPenn, MIT (HCED), UBC Wondering who the geography admits are to UCB and CUNY? Hope everyone hears some positive news in the coming weeks!
  15. Update: Accepted: USC ($$$$) Waitlisted: CUNY (geography) Rejected: UCB (geography) -- not surprised. I did poorly on the interview ? Pending: UCLA, UPenn, MIT (HCED), UBC
  16. Oh cool -- I'm also really interested in collaborating with him. Had a follow up question re: interview, did you do this in person or over video/phone?
  17. Age/Gender/Citizenship: 26, woman, USA Undergraduate degree/School/Year graduated: anthropology, flagship state school, 2015; masters in urban planning from highly ranked international school, 2017 GPA - GRE - TOEFL (for Int'l students): UG 3.74, G 4.0/Q 165 V 166 W 4.5 Work Experience: currently at national housing nonprofit Letter of recommendations: (from whom) mix of master's professors, work supervisor, and social design firm principal Schools applied to -- all doctoral programs: UP: UCLA, UPenn, MIT (Comm Dev), USC, UBC (maybe) Geography: CUNY, UC Berkeley
  18. Really helpful advice on the interviews, thank you! Out of curiosity, which Berkeley faculty were you interested in working with? re: rental market.... hoping for a decent funding package, but yes, that will definitely be a big deciding factor for me...
  19. Thank you @SpaceMaker. I'm quite nervous and not sure how to prepare. @SpaceMaker @ngl I am regretting a little not applying to Canadian schools -- but as you mentioned, it seems difficult to get in as American + also receive funding... I was particularly interested in UofT and York for their critical lens.
  20. I am interested in human geography and urban planning, had a difficult time choosing b/t the programs for PhD. In the end, I applied to: UP: MIT UCLA UPenn USC UBC Geography: CUNY Berkeley I just heard back from Berkeley that I advanced to the next round and will be having an interview next week! Fingers crossed that the interview goes well and something positive happens.
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