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Everything posted by leeners

  1. Fordham University, Counseling Psych PhD
  2. This is all incredibly helpful - thank you! Career goals: I will be a licensed therapist with the LMHC but the research and larger impact would come with the PhD. I mention my professor's influence because I would never have considered it for myself, mainly along the line of "who do I think I am" kind of thing, not that I wouldn't want it. But because of that, it's all new to consider. Thank you to all of you who responded - your feedback is really thought-provoking, which is what I was hopeful for.
  3. I am on my second career and am finishing up my MS in Mental Health Counseling this May. At the behest of one of my professors, I applied to PhD programs for Counseling Psychology and lo and behold, got in with my first choice professor as POI and a graduate assistant-ship that will cover 2 classes/semester. Issue is, I have two kids at home and am already in my 40s. Best case scenario, I won't finish until I'm 46; worst case scenario, about 82. I would love to hear from other parents (moms in particular) if you have done, or plan to do, this. My life not withstanding, it would be a no brainer to accept; but unfortunately I don't live in a vacuum and need to consider impact on my family to make my decision.
  4. Good for you! I was between him and MM for application.
  5. It was Monday morning.
  6. School: Fordham University Type of Program: Counseling Psychology PhD Acceptance Date: 2/14/20 POI: JP
  7. I’m a second career MS in Mental Health Counseling - completely unrelated 1st career. But, I did have to do prerequisites before I applied - you’ll need to check what is required for each program and factor that into your application timing. With respect to Counseling in particular, life experience is not just ok it’s actually championed. You just need to work through your own story to figure out why the shift. good luck!
  8. Congrats! This is my last outstanding one, nothing yet for me. If you would share, who is your POI (initials)?
  9. Thanks for the quick response - and good luck!
  10. @happycola23 is that for Clinical or Counseling? (or both?) Thanks for the info!!
  11. Was this email in general response to your application or in direct response to an outreach you made? Grateful for the info either way - at least I can stop refreshing this and the results page 10x an hour!
  12. Mine was, yes, but not from POI but another department faculty member.
  13. Not sure about all but I received an invite for 2/10 and someone on the results page posted about an invite for 2/12. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you
  14. Haven’t heard anything from Columbia either. Didn’t apply to the others.
  15. School: Fordham University, Counseling Psych Type: PhD Date of invite: 1/17/2020 Type of invite: personal email from faculty member, not one of my three POIs, for on-campus interview morning Interview date(s): Monday, February 10th Still waiting to hear anything from TC - anyone had contact? The last two years, per results page, were 1/15-1/17. Nothing posted there yet and I haven’t heard anything either.
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