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Decaf (2/10)



  1. You got admitted to Drexel? CONGRATS!!! Proud of you girl ?
  2. Haha I felt this in my soul lol. My family is more curious so it’s better to not say anything or else I would get bombarded with a bunch of questions ?
  3. Yeah it’s like on one hand you kind of get it because what else can you say to someone applying other than “don’t worry you’ll get in somewhere”? But as the person going through the process it makes you feel worse when you think you’re going to get in nowhere and their words are just pity.
  4. Same! This is why I didn’t talk to any of my family about the application process (besides my sister.) If I don’t get in anywhere I can just pull off the whole “oh haha it’s totally fine!” thing while I go sob in the middle of the night lol. I got an early rejection like 1/10 from one of the schools and no replies from any other universities so I’m just rolling with the punches right now. I’m with you in spirit!!
  5. Grad school can take our money for applications, but it can never take our sense of self worth or peace of mind. Hang tight and wishing everyone the best! ?
  6. I haven’t emailed them I should probably try. Thanks!
  7. Yeah I hear you this entire process is grueling!! You have 2 more choices right? We still have 2 months to go don’t lose hope! Unfortunately idk about Oklahoma but hopefully someone else knows!
  8. Sorry about the rejection, bud. Not all rejections though so you're still in the game!
  9. Ahhh that's so exciting! Seriously rooting for you to get admitted!! (': Did they tell you when you'd hear back after the interview? Or does everyone hear back mid-Feb to mid-March?
  10. You're right, thanks! Will continue to be neurotic and nervous until then!! Have you gotten an interview invite already?
  11. ... Ah, well that's hard to hear lol. Guess I'm just waiting for my rejection now ?
  12. Haha we're in this together!! It's one of my top choices so hearing radio silence is making me nervous!
  13. Anyone here anything from UMass Amherst, Drexel, or Casewestern? Been radio silent for me and I’m freaking out :/
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