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Everything posted by Strawberrycat

  1. Congrats on the big decision! I hope you have a great time at ArtCenter!!!
  2. I think most will send a rejection letter once all spots are for sure filled and they close the waitlist. Every school does things a little differently, though, and on varying timelines.
  3. I'm not sure, it might depend on the profs, honestly. Some have been pretty welcoming of asking questions and keeping communication open and others have deferred to admissions offices, so it's hard to say.
  4. Exactly, haha. Definitely on the later side. ? I haven't sent any emails out yet, but I might tomorrow if nothing comes today.
  5. Same, I'm looking at March 31st on the calendar and thinking they really weren't joking about "end of March". I really hope they send an update today.
  6. You could just reach out and let them know who you are, when you interviewed, and say something about how you really appreciated the opportunity to interview and that you were hoping to follow up and find out when there will be a decision available to you.
  7. Oh, hm! Did you interview with them? Which discipline? I didn't get an interview and I applied to painting, so maybe there are different timelines.
  8. If you log in where you applied, your application page should have a status update somewhere on it. @imnotsure
  9. Oh no, which medium discipline?
  10. Congrats on all of those acceptances! It seems like you have a lot of great choices! Which program at CCA did you get into? Are you considering them still along with the others?
  11. It really has been brutal, I don't blame you! I would try to make a really thorough pros and cons list of each option and talk with any mentors you have about it. I hope you come to a decision you feel happy with!!
  12. Hmm. I'm not sure what to suggest in regards to that. Have you looked at other schools that you might want to apply to, to see if their humanities and cultural studies departments are better or if you would be in the same situation if you applied again?
  13. Yeah, that sounds even trickier then, I'm sorry. ?Have you been able to have zoom meetings one-on-one with faculty members or current students yet?
  14. A couple of people mentioned beginning a program and then dropping out of it early on because it wasn't a good fit and are now applying again. I have no idea what happens with funding situations though or with people who stay in the program the whole first year. That sounds like a tricky situation.
  15. Hey there, this is the visual art forum, so idk if anyone here would have any info on the screenwriting program, unfortunately! You might have better luck in the literary forum, though, but not sure. https://forum.thegradcafe.com/forum/80-literary/ Good luck with your apps though!
  16. Dang, that's great that Stanford covered travel/lodging! You have two amazing choices. I know it's going to be a tough decision. I hope you are able to visit Yale and that you feel really good about whichever decision you make!
  17. Did you get to go visit Yale in person?
  18. Ah okay, sounds good then! Substitute teaching is great, I know a lot of people who have done it and really liked it! And I believe the pay has gone up in a lot of places since covid. Haha just looking out!
  19. (I mentioned it before, but you don't need a graduate level degree to teach high school. You need a Bachelor's degree and a Teaching Credential to teach highschool in California, which is a totally different program from an MFA. A graduate degree can raise your pay as a high school teacher, but it's not required, and you still need to go through getting a credential, which is a 1-2 year program in itself usually. Just trying to help so there's no confusion there.)
  20. It was very difficult, but I turned down admission last year due to the cost and decided to apply again this year to try to get better funding elsewhere. I can't justify burying myself under $90k+ in debt (plus future interest that grows at a frightening rate with numbers that high, even with low rates) for a degree that realistically doesn't guarantee financial stability. I just know that I personally wouldn't be able to focus on my work and learning with those kinds of loans on my mind constantly. Everyone's situation is different though. I am not financially stable now and come from a low income background, so I can't help but think about the repercussions of loans. My tuition was fully funded in undergrad, but I took out loans to cover my housing expenses, and I still have a good amount left to pay back 6 years later. So imagining taking out that much in loans for just tuition makes me feel hopeless. However, it was pointed out to me by some professors that student loans have low interest rates compared to other types of loans and they have payment plans and options available, and hopefully there is some more reform coming for them, so they are not the scariest thing in the world and can be super useful if taken out wisely. But things to think about are that having a huge amount of debt compared to whatever your income is can make getting loans for a car or house or even just opening credit cards difficult in the future if you ever find yourself wanting to or needing to. Tldr; I'm scared of loans personally, but they make sense for some people and situations if they can reconcile them.
  21. It depends on the school and how their funding works. Often they will reallocate the funds to someone else who was admitted!
  22. Oh that's awesome that you were able to get through undergrad without loans! And I really love USC's program. I'll send you a dm and go into more depth about it.
  23. Haha thanks! Ah okay, that's good to know and makes sense. I'd love to know what you decide once you do!
  24. Congratulations!!!! I was offered $40k per year for the 2 year MFA in fine arts as well! (I was quite surprised!) But for 3 years, that's even more exciting! I hope you get good news from Art Center soon too! Do you have a preference between the two?
  25. Just got an acceptance from CCA, excited for some good news finally. ?
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