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Posts posted by MarkySharky

  1. I know beggars can't be choosers, but I'll admit I'm slightly peeved about my peer mentor. He didn't email me first, I had to email him, and he still hasn't emailed me back. I'm giving him time, but I'm also peeved because I realized the interest we got paired up with is because of LGBT history. Which I am interested in and mentioned in my personal statement, but the things that I'm most interested in are indigenous history and language preservation, as well as archaeology (which is new, I'll admit). My program is hella small and I acknowledge that the things I'm interested in are very niche, but I'm kinda surprised that none of those interests are represented. Idk, I feel like I might be being grumpy just to be grumpy. 

  2. On 5/19/2020 at 8:50 PM, starshiphistory said:

    I'm curious, has anyone heard if their programs will be online in the fall? UBC has announced all undergrad classes will be online, though they are still deciding on graduate classes.

    My program (and the undergrads) at Colorado State University is planning to be fully in person except for the last two weeks of the semester, where the entire school will be going online.

  3. I know that for my program (Public History MA at Colorado State University), they're expecting to hold classes in the fall and the GTA position that we received are secure, along with the benefits. I've been really worrying so I was glad to get more information. 

  4. Hey all, I hope I'm posting in the right place! So I'm going to be attending Colorado State University's Public History program in the fall, with a concentration in Cultural Resource Management. I'm having a bit of trouble trying to figure out if I should take a class that we (incoming first years) were told is probably only going to be offered this fall - Material Culture. The problem is, I don't know who my advisor is or anything, and I'm not sure if I should take it for CRM or not. Does anyone have any thoughts on if I should take it or not? The problem is is that it would count as 1 out of 2 electives we get to take, and there's a couple other electives I'm interested in too. 

  5. On 4/8/2020 at 1:54 PM, Phoenix88 said:

    Any advice for banking in Boulder? I am currently with a national bank that has no locations in Colorado, so I may have to switch to another bank. I'll be moving out there in late July/early August, so I have some time to do research on it before switching. 

    Unfortunately I can't offer any insights on national banking, but if you want a Colorado-based (mostly CO, but I think they also are in NM, CA, and AZ) bank, go for FirstBank. They're honestly the best bank in my opinion, I've had them my whole life. They offer 24 hour customer service (which I have tried out, and it's excellent), they are SUPER on it for fraud - my dad's card has been compromised a couple times (in the past 5 years) and about within 15 minutes of getting the charge they call him to ask if he's trying to buy x thing in y place. The only downside is that they're mostly CO based, but I think that's also what allows them to have really good service. Everyone's always really nice too. 

  6. 21 hours ago, aldebaran_ said:

    Anxiety levels are through the roof this week -- I applied to three schools and the program director from NYU called me on Friday alluding to but not stating that I was accepted.. and now I can barely focus on anything else. I was fine before she dangled it in front of me. Anyone else out there still waiting?

    Applying (Fall 2020): NYU, Columbia, Berkeley (all pending)

    I am still waiting! It doesn't help that I found out that the applicants to the program I applied to are supposed to hear back basically this week (or possibly next). I just want to k n o w for gosh's sakes! It's driving me absolutely nuts!

  7. On 2/22/2020 at 9:57 AM, mysteriousmartel said:

    Hi! I don't post all that much, but I had this thing happen during my decision process that has left a bad feeling that I can't get rid of and I wondered if anyone had any good insight on how to move forward.

    I've currently been accepted to three schools, and I've been going back and forth between two specific ones. One has really cool research, but it's not in the best location I had hoped (trying to move closer to mom to take care of her on weekends, but the school is a 7 hour drive at least). The other is in my ideal location, but I don't know how I feel about the research, and after yesterday I don't know how I feel about one of the faculty.

    In order to be accepted to school number 2, you have to be accepted by faculty prior to starting at the school. They bring you in for an on campus interview to talk with interested faculty, then you receive direct offers from them. I initially had interest in one person in particular, but after meeting them I didn't have a good first impression. After meeting all the faculty, I felt like the others were all nice, even if the research was not really the most interesting thing for me. However, the first interviewer wanted me to follow up with a secondary interview, so I obliged.

    This interview consisted of me preparing a talk on a topic I have investigated before. I'm actually quite new to my field (long story, changed majors, but want to continue study to get better), so I've never given a talk before. I was nervous, and choked during the start of the interview. The interviewer spent this interview frequently pointing out my mistakes as I tried to pull the talk back together, which internally made it very hard for me to get through. I realized at the end that I wouldn't like to work with this faculty member, but the shock of how hard I felt they were being on me has been stuck on me and brought up past similar traumatic moments. I'm trying very hard to get over it, but I don't know if this is just normal and I need to deal or not. If it is, I really wouldn't like to stay in academic settings where I'm pounced on at every moment.

    Sorry, long story! If anyone has any ideas or advice, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks :)

    Same advice as the other, it sounds like school 1 might be a better fit. To put a long story short, I kinda had a similar experience to yours - except mine was just a campus visit. I had been told to meet with a certain professor who was apparently awesome, so I did, but the way she acted towards me (dismissive, like I didn't know what I was interested in, etc) completely turned me off from the entire program (along with a couple other things). Family and support systems are extremely important, but what matters too is what you want to do in life - it is entirely possible to keep having your support system even at a distance and also build a new one in a new place! (I only know this about my family because my brother is in Ukraine for the Peace Corps)

    I understand 100% wanting to stay close to your mom - maybe look into some ways to make sure that she will be taken care of on the weekends that you can't make it home, or even schedule certain weekends that you plan on being home? I firmly believe that if you can go to the school that you're more excited about, then things will work out. It might not be ideal, but depending on the program (if it's an MA) then it'd only be for a couple years, which could be a couple of awesome years that you look back on fondly, or a couple that you're kind of "meh" about. 

    Also, I don't think you need to "deal" or "get over it". If it's upsetting for you, then that's okay! You are valid in your feelings, and honestly it is not okay for someone to treat anyone that way - that faculty member acted unprofessionally in my opinion. You don't deserve to be at a place where you are uncomfortable, or where you feel like you will be belittled for anything (which is what he did!) 

    Sorry this is long! 

  8. On 1/26/2020 at 9:05 PM, mmmmcoffee said:

    Bumping this thread for this year!

    Just got into CSU and hoping to learn more about the area. Any places I need to see when I visit?

    Congrats! I'm not a Fort Collins native (from Denver) but I visited a lot last year and I also am waiting to hear back on my application to CSU! 

    So I mainly know more about the nature side (pros of dating a forester) - there's a LOT of nature-y things to do in Fort Collins. There's Rocky Mountain National Park, Horsetooth Reservoir, the Poudre River, so the best place to visit just kinda depends on when you're visiting. Old Town is a really fun place to go and walk around, there's a lot of good restaurants in Fort Collins. I recommend going to Waltzing Kangaroo - they're Australian meat pies, and are so. good. 

  9. When do y'all think is a good time to email the program coordinator about the timeline of the application process? I applied for an MA program Feb 1, and basing it off of the 3 posts about the school I applied to on here, most people got a response first week of March. I'm mainly just going a bit nuts - the status page hasn't changed at all beyond "your application is ready for review by your department". It's my top school, and they seemed extremely interested in me (when I visited I got told I was an excellent candidate, the coordinator emailed me out of the blue the day before the deadline asking if I had any extra questions, etc), so I'm just hoping really hard I get in! I'm also extremely impatient so that does not help.

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