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Posts posted by voxpop

  1. 6 minutes ago, MA2596 said:

    (also SVA just announced they will refund their students; they're currently the only art school to do so.) 

    Wow, did they really? Thats amazing.

    I think its a good idea to ask their plans -- I wouldn't worry about it drowning in other complaints, but maybe its worth waiting a couple of weeks to see how the situation is developing in NYC? Given that we are just at the beginning of the curve, I am assuming they can not even give an answer yet. ITP changed the deadline to May 1st and Parsons to June 15th, so maybe in about two weeks time will be a better time to ask? We will all know a bit more and we will still have time to make a decision after hearing back?

  2. 57 minutes ago, MA2596 said:

    This is suuuper hypothetical and out there, but let's say we have to take first semester online. How do you think you will do it? @A Bawa @voxpop I can imagine the lectures being online, and the crits (oh god 5hr zoom calls for crits) are also doable. Coding/screen-based work can be shared and critiqued online.

    But what about collaboration? A big part that both NYU ITP and Parsons promised is collaboration. Like yes we can call each other, but I can't imagine working on group projects via zoom for a whole semester? (assuming we still have to perform some degree of social distancing then) And for NYU ITP which have courses for physical computing, it's gonna be difficult. It is possible to work on it alone in your room, but I know I'm gonna sucks at it (haha) and I would love to work near/around people and have the chance to learn from my peers.

    So where I currently work the whole team is now working from home, designers, engineers, the marketing team, product managers etc. And in the last two weeks we have managed to launch a multitude of new products and services in a response to covid-19 and that with the whole team working remote.

    So just from that experience I now believe 100% it is possible to make stuff happen remotely. And hopefully come fall, I will be even more used to this new way of life.

    I think you bring up all the same points I wound in terms of how it could work - and I definitely see Parsons studio courses, the summer bootcamp, and any physical computing courses to be the biggest challenges.

    Lets say we have to continue social distancing in the fall (highly likely) I think it will depend a lot on what rules and regulations are set around that etc. Eg. what is the maximum number of people who can gather at once? Will it be 2 or 5? And will the school be allowed to use its facilities if there are less than X number of people there at a time and with certain other measures in place. For instance at ITP, I believe that most of the first semester will be the tier 1 foundation courses for us, and of those lets say physical computing is the biggest challenge. If ITP was allowed to use their facilities if there were no more than 5 persons there at a time, and the space was reserved only for very specific courses requiring in-person collaboration on physical object, maybe it would be possible to form small groups that could use the space for a designated few hours each week? haha I don't know, I get a bit sad just writing this, but its the reality we have to face now.

    I also think a lot here is on the professors - to find new formats for their classes. They can not take the in-person studio-based class and try to mimic that via Zoom, they have to fundamentally change how the class is taught - with Zoom as the medium. I honestly hope they can find inspiration in that challenge and accelerate online-learning to a level that we otherwise would not have seen in 2020.


  3. 45 minutes ago, MA2596 said:

    @voxpop Yep that's right haha. They want to welcome the new students without the drama of the old ones. I also got the email but am too lazy to sign up for another FB group, but maybe I should.

    I will let you know if I see anything, but right now ... it's a lot of angry students telling incoming students they shouldn’t go to Parsons LMAO. I think Parsons is making all international students buy the school's insurance. They don't accept insurances from outside the country, but for many internationals who already have an insurance, getting a second insurance in the States is a (literal) crime. This, along with how they're dealing with the pandemic... I know these are circumstantial evidence but I can't help but feeling a bit skeptical towards Parsons (I also found their interviews very rushed) It's difficult to get a good, holistic impression of the school when everyone is so angry. :(

    For NYU ITP,  the students are also asking for a refund, and the Dean responded .... with a video of her dancing...

    Also, while I'm grateful for the scholarship and think everyone who received scholarship deserves it, I do feel like Parsons handed out a lot of scholarship this year, which is a little bit... suspicious? I asked my colleague who graduated last year and she said almost all internationals are guaranteed to have scholarship of some sort. Apparently it depends on where you coming from (say, 50 coming from country A and 2 coming from country B, then the 2 people from country B will receive more scholarships)

    I personally know Parsons because I came from the art school bubble, so names like RISD/MICA/Parsons/Pratt/SVA are all familiar to me. But you're right! Parsons definitely have a stronger marketing team, and I wonder if the scholarships also play a part in this... Now that you mentioned it, I have only know of ITP through working designers. Really interesting point! 

    hahah geeeeeez this seems to be a mess for everyone. Regarding the students wanting their money back, I dont think I am on their "side" on that issue to be honest. This is an unprecedented global emergency that is 100% outside the control of any of these schools... If was in that position I would rather look to my insurance to see what they cover.. But even that I wouldn't be to hopeful about.

    I think scholarships are a big part of the business model at Parsons for sure - it is baked into the full-cost tuition. I do however think that this is the case at any school, but even more so Parsons. They even phrase it as a discount in the offer, "XX% off tuition", lol. At the company where I work now, discounts to various customers are absolutely 100% part of our business model, I dont think the schools are any different ? But I have the impression that NYUs scholarships are less part of a business-model, and more funded through donations. I base this on 1) You can see their scholarship fundraisers on their website and social accounts and 2) the fact that their scholarships are need-based as well as merit - and that's really important in any case.

    Regardless of their business-model though you can of course get an equally amazing education both places, I am by no means doubting that. But I think the way the school does business might impact what actions they take during this pandemic.


  4. 22 hours ago, A Bawa said:

    Congratulations everyone! I am glad we all could connect and help each other make life changing decision! much appreciated :)

    Same! @A Bawa it definitely helps having someone to discuss with, even more so now that everything surrounding the fall semester is so uncertain.

    Also: on your point on them possibly postponing the semester, from a revenue-perspective I don't think they could ever do that, but agree that for us it would of course be ideal.

  5. 6 hours ago, MA2596 said:

    I have been lurking in the TNS Accepted Student Facebook group, and many current students, particularly internationals, are furious at how Parsons is handling the situation. I doubt Parsons will treat us incoming students any differently (unless there's a state-wide declaration or ban).

    ooooh - so this is why they started a new group for accepted students! I just got the email saying the old group had taken on a new functionality of informing current students about everything related to covid-19....

    Ok - so this is something I have been kinda reticent to bring up but I do believe there could be a difference in the business of Parsons vs. NYU. They are both private institutions of course, but for instance Parsons/TNS are masters at marketing, I know about the school from their marketing. NYU ITP on the other hand, I found on a forum similar to this one while researching Parsons DT. I don't know where I'm going with this statement but I guess that I would not be too surprised if NYU has more of a students-before-profit approach than Parsons? I don't know it its ok that I am even saying that though, for all I know there could be a group of furious NYU students on FB as well.. (most likely there is haha)

    What is crucial though - like you say - is how the schools and programs respond and adjust now that everything is changing. ie. will they just put classes online and call it a day or will they look for creative ways of sharing spaces a few students at a time / putting in place strict security measures / change focus of courses the first semester to be more digital-driven and adapted to a changed learning environment etc...

    also @MA2596 if you have any specific examples from what have been said in the TNS group that could be relevant for decision-making, would you PM me? :)



  6. Thanks for creating the topic @MA2596 !

    I will post some of my thinking later but first I just wanted to chime in on one of your questions:

    • How is the school going to respond to COVID-19? If they're going online for Fall 2020, will you still attend?

    At this stage, I think it is a very high likelihood that at least the first semester, or at the least part of the first semester in fall 2020 will be online / using alternative methods for teaching and learning. I have been preparing for this mentally for a while, and am also prepared to be agile and keep an open mind. Most likely, starting school this fall will not be what we had originally envisioned. Even though, heartbreakingly, NYC in currently the city in the US hardest hit by the pandemic it is important to keep in mind that this is affecting just about every person, school and business across the globe.

    Most schools, and particularly private institutions such as Parsons and NYU, are dependent on their incoming students to stay in business. The economic impacts of Covid-19 will be severe, and even more so if students like us choose to postpone our education. For that reason, I rather want to be part of keeping as much of “business as normal” going - and then adjust to any new form the university needs to take. As an international student I am of course depending on the US to issue visas, but it is too early to make any guesses around that because it will depend on how the situation evolves over the summer in Europe vs in the US.

    I am of course glad that I am entering a 2-year program, meaning that we will most likely be able to have a “normal” academic year at least for the second year of study. I also hope you will not take this post as pessimistic, but I do find that being a "realistic optimist" and preparing mentally for a variety of outcomes really helps me stay positive.

    This all being said I did really appreciate the statement that Midori at ITP wrote in her last email to ITP accepts:

    “We are ITP, the Interactive Telecommunications Program, and our amazing faculty have been jumping through hoops to figure out creative ways to stay in touch with students, figure out workarounds for a lot of our more difficult classes that require fabrication and equipment and the like. ITP is filled with some creative and inventive thinkers and doers. We will get through this.”

    In some ways, I think ITP (or Parsons DT) could potentially be the best and most exciting place to be next year. When I wrote my applications I had a very clear idea of the topic and challenges I wanted to focus on during my studies - but I am realizing now that this might naturally have to change. The world is changing, people’s habits are changing - and some of those new habits might prove to stay with us forever. Businesses will fail and new ones will arise. The world will have a brand new set of challenges to respond to. I think ITP will be an amazing place to tackle such new challenges and opportunities.  

    (In a strange way, the ongoing pandemic has actually played a part in what is drawing me more towards ITP at this time, given its hands-on “making stuff” vibe…)

    Also, this article was an important read for me in terms of preparing mentally for what could be coming: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615370/coronavirus-pandemic-social-distancing-18-months/

  7. 4 hours ago, huthuhle said:

    I have also received acceptance letter from ArtCenter MDP. 
    One strange thing is the what was written in the acceptance letter saying "Places will be reserved on a first-come first-served basis and often fill very quickly. Your place in the class is not assured until you have received our written confirmation that we have received these items and can reserve a place for you".
    Did others who got accepted to MDP also have this written in the letter?
    + Also did anyone offered a place with fundings?

    So for now, I have to decide between ArtCenter MDP/ Parsons DT/ NYU ITP.
    MDP is quite different from DT and ITP, I should start researching!!  


    I dont know about artcenter, but I know that a first-come first-served approach is not uncommon for smaller programs, It is the same for all of SVAs graduate programs for instance.


  8. @sapphirelake Thank you for sharing your list and insights!! Super helpful and very much appreciated! 

    @MA2596 I am starting to feel more and more certain about ITP for each day that passes but I think it would be a great idea to start a separate thread on this DT vs ITP topic so we can keep each other updated on our reasoning? It is of course an individual decision I find it very interesting and helpful to hear everyone’s thoughts and would love to share my own with you all as well ?

  9. On 3/20/2020 at 10:11 PM, ixdmfaplease said:

    @voxpop yes, i've decided on SVA but haven't put down my deposit yet.

    Parson DT (and NYU ITP) sound like incredible programs for experimenting and trying your hand at lots of new things, but it's important to me to learn practical skills in interaction design — i come from a non-design background — and to be able to get a good job after the program. i've been talking to students and alumni from both programs and they all said similar things: SVA sets you up to succeed in the ux/interaction design field and Parsons is more about teaching you the design thinking and giving you room to make cool stuff. the Parsons student i talked to said they don't really offer any straight up ux classes and if that's what you're going for,  you'll be disappointed. they do say that the program is what you make it. there's so many things you can learn if you chose to. most of the courses you take are electives and you graduate with a diverse portfolio, which can be a good or bad thing.

    since i know what i want to do and what i want to learn, and those align with SVA's curriculum, that one feels like the best fit for me, personally! 

    Sounds like you have made the right choice - this the impressions that I have of the programs as well. SVA is one of the most (or if not the most) impressive ixd curriculum I have come across. Perfect when you want a specialization in that field.

    I have less of a need to learn "hard skills" in design (already have design and UX experience) and that is why I am leaning towards a more interdisciplinary space with a goal to "create new things". I hope to be in a class of talented and intelligent people with a variety of backgrounds so we can collaborate in a ways to play on each others strengths :) My gut feeling is that ITP has more if that than DT, but it is difficult because they are both great choices..


  10. On 3/21/2020 at 4:36 AM, taketwo said:

    Ahhhhhh! Haha, been focusing on four things:

    • Finances
    • Coursework (practical + experimental mix; focused skills)
    • Contacting alumni & companies
    • Location

    Similar to @voxpop, considering finances as well. For me, it's between ITP & Parsons and ITP is considerably cheaper, along with the fact that I know several people who are working part-time jobs while completing their coursework. Not easy, but doable. And attractive from a financial perspective. 

    The experimental nature of DT & ITP are both a draw and concerning. Because like you mentioned: I want to get a job too, but I also want to be able to fully exercise my creative muscles during the program. 

    I've looked carefully at previous curriculums from ITP and identified the classes I would take, ensuring that they have practical UX/UI ones too (was surprised at how few of these there were). Since the program is so diverse and you can take loads of classes (like in designing escape rooms) I think it's just up to you to make sure you design a curriculum for yourself that has some focus so you develop skills. There are classes I simply know I won't take -- I can be a little Type A at times and while I like to experiment, I wouldn't say I'm the most playful person around haha. And while I want to understand technology, I most definitely do not want to become a software engineer -- prefer the strategic/creative side. I understand the impression is that graduating students can be a little unpolished at times. That being said, it would just be on you to polish everything up. 

    As for alumni, I've been reaching out to people who are working at the firms and in the positions I want. ITP has an incredible alumni network by virtue of its sheer size and history. Any company I'm interested in working at (drawn to media & arch) has someone there. I'm still in early days here so I don't know what they have to say about the program yet. I also have a friend who graduated and would look to her for assistance in getting the best out of the program. 

    Lastly, location. I like that ITP is in Brooklyn. I also like that ArtCenter is in LA (applied to MDP there -- although it seems to have a smaller reach as a program). 

    Mentioned a lot of ITP here, but doing the same for the other schools. 

    I'd love to get updates on what else you discover in your research!

    Regarding your comment on the experimental nature being concerning I think it is really important to keep in mind that the portfolio we graduate with is key and I that it is up to each individual person to make sure to document work and keep an updated portfolio. I know it is possible to produce an absolutely amazing portfolio at ITP given all the various projects students make - we just have to be rigorous in documenting and keeping a good portfolio. I am sure it is easy to just go along with the program and "forget" or "put off / postpone" documenting and keeping a portfolio but being dedicated and disciplined in that is what will make a huge difference.

  11. 13 minutes ago, huthuhle said:

    I have a question for those who received a scholarship for NYU ITP.
    I got accepted with merit-based 30K supported for 20/21 academic year mentioning the award amounts must be divided equally between Fall and Spring semester. 
    I have a question whether this amount of scholarship is only for a year or will there be a chance for another 30K for the rest of the period - 21/22 academic year.
    I would like to know what is written in other people's scholarship letter. I have found in the "Gradcafe result page" that some mentioned that they received 30K while another person mentioned that he/she received 30K per year.

    When you go to their scholarship reply form (where you accept the scholarship, linked in the letter) you will see that the terms say all scholarships are renewable each year, pending academic standing. This seems to be the standard for all Tisch scholarships. So yes, it will be renewable for the second year. Hope that helps :)

  12. 18 minutes ago, ixdmfaplease said:

    How's the decision-making process going for everyone?

    Haha thanks for asking, it's so much more difficult than I had anticipated!

    At this time I have almost ruled out SVA ixd, mainly because it is the more expensive option for me at the moment and I personally feel drawn toward taking a leap of faith into something a bit more "experimental". If for sure seems like the best option from a career-oriented perspective if the goal is to go straight into an interaction/UX-design type of role. It has an amazing list of alums and professors.

    So its down to DT and ITP for me, currently really leaning towards ITP but I only feel that I am at 40/60 percent certainty. Parsons has been my dream school, but I also know that is strongly driven by the fact that they are experts at marketing - so I am not trying to look beyond that and select the program that is best for me. I am drawn to ITP for its extremely customizable and diverse curriculum (able to really specialize in topics that interests and inspire me), and I have this very good feeling about the vibe and mission of the program being very strongly aligned with my own views. I enjoyed reading this article (written by an ITP alum): https://tarikh.me/itp-at-40-red-burns-created-a-program-youve-probably-never-heard-of-to-save-technology-s-soul-a767eb7e565b



  13. 5 minutes ago, ixdmfaplease said:

    Just got my SVA IxD acceptance email too! I'm so excited, they're my top choice school. ? @voxpop

    Yay, congrats!!!! (haha your name subtly gives it away) :D

    I really have some serious thinking to do now and still want to wait till I hear from Parsons before making any decision. Scholarships also plays a role for me, and I know SVA wont give any. NYU did, so they are a better choice for me financially right now - a lot of things in play that I now need to consider. But feeling really grateful and fortunate to be in such a privileged situation!

  14. 22 minutes ago, taketwo said:

    @MA2596 I was unclear on the difference between MFA and MPS. Does the MPS degree mean you cannot teach after, at least for a MFA program?

    I have never heard of a "rule" that qualifies you to teach or not... That is completely individual, I'm sure if anything a PhD is preferred but some of the most successful people in the the world don't even have degrees. It's not like Steve Jobs would have be denied to teach at a university (just to exaggerate). :) 

  15. On 3/15/2020 at 9:27 AM, yona said:

    @voxpop @ciwy13 @taketwo @MA2596 congrats on your acceptance into ITP! Are you guys considering to accept the offer? 

    I am very strongly considering it and leaning towards ITP! I just want to wait to hear back from all schools before making a decision. My Parsons portal is not updated yet, but the SVA portal now says my status is admitted, so I will be giving that very serious consideration as well!

  16. 9 hours ago, yk.jj said:

    Just checked the SVA application portal and found that the status has been changed to "Decision will be sent via mail and email",

    and shows "Your Enrollment Steps" on the side.! Looks like the decision has been made but no email yet....

    Applied to MFA Interaction Design.

    I just checked and clicked "my enrollment steps" and the next page says "current status: admit" :D !!


  17. 10 minutes ago, ciwy13 said:

    Thank you!! I got rejected from SVA (don’t have a traditional design background), but am also waiting back on Parsons. What are y’all’s thoughts on ITP vs. DT? @voxpop @ixdmfaplease

    This is very individual, but for me I think the fact that DT is an MFA degree with more focus on art and not just design + programing is a plus, because that's the environment where I feel most comfortable. In the group interview at ITP it really seemed like 50% had a background in engineering/computer science majors and 50% in art/design. That combination of people seems really unique to ITP, or at least even more "extreme" than at DT - and I think that's really cool. I do have the impression that the environment and relationship between the students and with faculty is better and more personal at ITP, but I have no real basis for saying that.

    I think for me it would have to come down to the courses. Go through each course offered at both schools and choose the one where I am the most exited about the highest number of courses offered.

  18. 5 minutes ago, ciwy13 said:

    Congratulations!! The wait is finally over :’) I also got an admission letter; you thinking of accepting? 

    Congrats to you too! Haha so happy that wait is over, it has been driving me totally nuts recently.. I will at least wait to hear back from Parsons before making a final decision, but right now I am absolutely thinking yes. For me it will also depend on scholarship and funding.

    Also haven't heard from SVA IxD yet.

  19. 10 hours ago, ixdmfaplease said:

    Does SVA update the status beyond “Complete! Your application will be reviewed.”? That’s what the landing page on mine says and then under Applications, the Portal Status says “Application Ready for Review”. I applied to interaction design. 

    6 hours ago, ciwy13 said:

    Must be a good sign! I just logged into the portal and saw I was rejected. :(


    I might not be of much help because my status is still just "Submitted" and "Application submitted" as portal status. That's because they haven't accepted my TOEFL waiver yet, so one item is still left unchecked on the checklist... I emailed the admissions office about a month ago and they confirmed that all my application materials were received and that it would be up to the IXD reviewing committee to approve my English language waiver, and that they would reach out id further proof was needed. But assuming it not good news that they haven't yet.

    @ciwy13 I am so sorry to hear you got bad news. If you don't mind me asking, how did you know that the application was rejected? 



    I received an admission to Pratt today! (I am happy to get my first admission letter but will  decline the offer).

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