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Everything posted by caterpillar3

  1. Ah, got it. Thank you! I know that Harris offers a certificate in Health Policy. And when I visited the campus, I attended a presentation by one of the co-directors of the Center for Health Policy at UChicago. So I feel reassured about Harris' health policy capabilities. But you might be right that Heinz offers greater variety.
  2. Hi @ma1919, congratulations on your offers! You mentioned that: I was wondering if you could share your thoughts on this a little more? I reviewed the career outcomes reports for both schools and had a hard time deciding which school was stronger. I got the sense that Harris alums take on a greater variety of roles and often go on to secure leadership roles, whereas Heinz students are more likely to end up either in the public sector or with a consulting firm. In terms of starting salaries, the numbers looked comparable. Either way, it was hard to discern which set of outcomes looked better. I'd love to get more perspective about this. Maybe I'm not interpreting the stats properly?
  3. Thanks so much @juanlisa! That's very helpful. I had a few follow up questions. Just curious, what do you think makes Harris weak on the healthcare front? Or is it just weaker in comparison to Heinz?
  4. I received offers of admission from UChicago Harris (MSCAPP) and CMU Heinz (MSPPM: DA track), and I'm certain that there are others out there facing the same choice. For what it's worth, Heinz has offered more funding than Harris (once again, I doubt that I'm the only one in this situation). I'm not even sure how to weigh the pros and cons of the two programs. To people who are currently in one of the programs, how do you feel about it? And to those trying to decide between the two options (or held offers from both places in previous years), what factors did you consider?
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