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  1. Rejected. Was interviewed. ? All the best to everyone else !
  2. https://forum.thegradcafe.com/topic/115575-harvard-mde-fall-2019/?do=findComment&comment=1058658539 https://forum.thegradcafe.com/topic/121521-harvard-mde-fall-2020/?do=findComment&comment=1058743314
  3. Applied! Had the interview today. Mostly talked about my work experience. The interviewer didn't let me understand if the interview went well or not, lol. @safetymoor I guess its anxiety for me instead of depression. But past stats say that people get in without interviews as well.
  4. Brexit and the work-study VISA were strict till this year. Found this today TBH: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-announces-2-year-post-study-work-visa-for-international-students Either be at a design consultancy or at design+engineering firms. What about you ??
  5. I've heard good reviews of Delft. The college itself is ranked well and the course is reputed as well. It was my first choice because I've known them from my time doing Formula Student. The Netherlands has a good name in the design industry too. I would've liked to apply to Aalto as well but my portfolio/SOP weren't ready before it's deadline. https://www.reddit.com/r/IndustrialDesign/comments/31zulb/confused_between_tu_delft_and_aalto_university/ KTH was one of the very few other tech focussed or engg+des design courses I could find. There was Chalmers as well, but I didn't apply there. Missed out on German universities because of the language requirement. Polimi has a good uni reputation and the course is mentioned often as well. But I missed the priority deadline and didn't apply later because I'd been told that the employment scenario in Italy wasn't as good. That's the same reason I avoided all schools in the UK. Employment is important for me. I'd like you to check this out : https://www.designacademy.nl/study/master/apply-master-course Have you heard of ECAL in Switzerland ? I was going to apply there but got Delft's admit before that. And ENSCI in France ? But that needs French. Thanks for the financial insights!
  6. Hi everyone. I'm a mechanical engineer from India. I have an admit to KTH's IPD-ID course (same as @verynervous) and Delft's IPD course (MVE engineering track) I was looking for design courses with a tech/problem solving approach more than the artistic ones. @verynervous I haven't heard KTH's course being talked about in any design school discussions. I know that its the best tech university in Sweden but don't know about the program though. Both programs will cost approx the same (tuition+living) so I'm currently working on choosing one of them. @k9494 From the experience of my friends doing their masters in engineering in the US, they get assistant-ships, part-time jobs with good pay, and in-state tuition quite often. It seems to be very likely that my studies at Delft or KTH will end up costing me more than my friends' studies in the states. Is the situation different for art schools in the US ?? I've heard that UPenn, CMU, Texas, etc. have design programs as well . . .
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