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  1. I got accepted in Erasmus Mundus FOOD4S Program with full scholarship last April 15! Hoping for everyone's positive results too!
  2. I think yes as long as you fulfill all the criteria (example: you’re not a former Erasmus Mundus scholar, have not stayed in EU from X months prior to Erasmus Mundus application, etc.)
  3. Congratulations! Most likely you are at least top 50 out of those 700+ applications. Hoping and praying you'll get the scholarship!
  4. Congratulations! You're one step closer. Now we all wait til March and April. This is usually the reason why EM threads are made... so we can all wait together. ?
  5. Hope you get in! Conditional/Unconditional offers are usually given prior to scholarship grants (except for some programs where both results are announced simultaneously). Good luck!
  6. Hoping this will be our year. Good luck on your 2 applications!
  7. Hello everyone. I was waiting for someone to post this thread but it seems no one dared, so here it is! Good luck to all EMJMD applicants for 2023 intake! I'm applying for FOOD4S, by the way. Feel free to post any questions and concerns with our EM co-applicants. Let's enjoy the ride together. ?
  8. Hi. If your coordinator responded that way, that only means they need to get the confirmation/rejection from those 2 applicants first. I assume those 2 have not responded yet. The deadline depends per consortium/program. Based on the previous fora, some students were even notified as late as July or August. You should also consider what category (programme or partner country) and region do you belong. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  9. Thank you! Yes. I’ve applied to another scholarship program that’s also hosted by the same university from FOOD4S. Their results will be published somewhere between May and June though.
  10. I got reserve list (at least in the top 10 rank) in FOOD4S. We still have to wait for 1st week of May since this week is the final week for confirmation of those in the main list. Just hoping there will be someone who will turn down the offer. ?
  11. Congratulations on your offers. It is true that "most" EM universities don't belong to the top 10 but these numbers don't equate to absolute experience of students (international) and faculty. We should acknowledge how toxic academia is most especially at this generation, hence, we should not only criticize them through quantitative values as some of the points might not be thoroughly captured. The same goes with our professors/instructors/researchers. Those who have numerous publications, titles, positions and whatnot may still have a lot to improve on with other invisible/unobserved criteria (e.g., teaching skills, EQ, etc.). Downplaying Erasmus Mundus universities solely because of academic rankings is an insult to the alumni, EU, and international partners who have played numerous roles for global change and development for years, even decades. Anyway, these are just my 2 cents. Wish you good luck in Norway!
  12. Being on the reserved list for the two programs is already an achievement, trust me. If you have the opportunity, you may also want to start applying to jobs that are related to the EM programs you really want to pursue. Taking up courses will also improve your chances as the consortium will know you are serious about your future career path. Good luck!
  13. Your chances would depend on the scholarship acceptance of those top 4 candidates. Just hope that they also got admitted to other programs (with scholarship of course) as they might choose those over the program where you are waitlisted. The chances are still high knowing you're the next in line candidate for the programme country. Wish you luck! ??
  14. Anyone here who has applied to Food4S? Still waiting for program acceptance at the host university (KU Leuven). The other program from a different scholarship grant (VLIR-UOS) has already sent their admission letter but still waiting for their announcement for scholarship which might happen up until June. It's a looooong waiting game. ?
  15. Most likely the interview with evaluators will be for the basis of your acceptance to the program first, then the scholarship if you ranked top 20 more or less. Getting to be interviewed is a good start so better nail it! Good luck! ??
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