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Everything posted by This_madness

  1. Yeah...I'm not really sure what to make of it. I applied for the Rhetoric and Composition track. Best of luck!
  2. Thanks! In an interesting development, one of my POIs emailed me today to set up a phone call to discuss the "good fit" between me and the program. She also said the rhet/comp faculty is "very excited" about the prospects of me coming there. So, this seems like good news, right? Still haven't received anything by mail, nor has my status been updated on PAWS.
  3. I kind of regret not applying to Washington State. One of my letter writers told me it would be a perfect fit for me, but I was a bit thrown off by it being the entire way across the country in the middle of nowhere. Penn State's in the middle of nowhere too, but at least it's part of a "nowhere" that's only a few hours from home.
  4. I haven't heard anything from Milwaukee yet. Even their website still has me listed as "referred for review." Ugh.
  5. I just had my interview with Donna LeCourt--it went, I think, quite well. She's an easy person to talk to, certainly, and she seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. The main piece of advice I'd give (if it's not to presumptuous?) would be to make sure you have questions prepared for her. She alloted a significant portion of the interview to fielding my questions about the program. If I hadn't had any, the interview would have been over in less than 10 minutes. As it was, we talked for half an hour. Best of luck! As every day passes and I still haven't heard from 6 of my schools, I'm beginning to think of myself, already, as a future UMass student.
  6. I haven't heard from them yet either. I'm taking it as an implicit rejection, but perhaps I'm being a bit premature?
  7. Congrats to everyone who got in! UMass is one of my top choices. Proflorax, I was wondering whether I should reply to the email too. I think I'm going to just send a thank you, at least for the sake of politeness.
  8. Thanks! Yes, Peter Elbow! It's very different than my undergrad program, at Pitt, which has, of course, Dave Bartholomae. But still, I'll adapt if I end up going there. I haven't heard from Louisville yet--I applied for the MA program, not the PhD. The grad secretary told me that MA apps won't receive responses until mid- to late-March.
  9. Rhetoric and Composition.
  10. I got a phone call today to set up an interview, so it's possible that not everyone who's been selected has been notified. She did say that interviews are going to start next Wednesday, though...so I'm assuming everyone they're interested in will hear soon. Incidentally, I asked the secretary (Heidi, I believe she said her name was) if the weather had anything to do with delayed responses and she said no.
  11. I got my BA from Pitt's English department, YesPhDinHumanities. I desperately wish I could have stayed here for my MA/PhD, but of course the department won't accept its own undergrads. If you want any insider info, I'll be happy to share!
  12. I got an email a while ago saying that Louisville's MA acceptances and fellowship offers won't be out until March. I was hoping they'd have them sooner, but that seems not to be the case. Congrats to those who've been accepted! Louisville is my one of my top choices. I hope to hear from them soon.
  13. I finished my BA in English and Italian last year. After deciding to take the year off, I applied to 8 programs. -University of Nebraska-Lincoln (PhD) -UMass-Amherst (MA/PhD) -University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (MA/PhD) -University of Washington (MA) -University of Louisville (MA) -Penn State (MA) -University of Rhode Island (MA) -SUNY-Albany (PhD) I considered applying to Northeastern's PhD program, but decided against it at the last minute. I don't really want to go there and, after a long application season, don't have the energy anymore. Best of luck to everyone!
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