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  1. Hey guys, just wondering how big of a part research experience or just experience in general plays? I do have a bit but most of it is in bio (I've been an RA for 1.5 years, have done an ROP credit with a professor, volunteered at a clinic) and humanities (I did an Independent research paper, where I looked at the distorted image of a historical figure). Apart from this I worked as a Swim Instructor where we had an I-CAN (Integrated Care for Assisted Needs) program which allowed us to interact with children and adults (30-45 minutes each week) with assisted needs as we taught them how to swim (for 3 years). My experience is really very minor in comparison to everyone else's ? Also my undergrad GPA at UofT is 3.4 (not as high as I would like, I absolutely bombed first year with a 2.1 because of family circumstances). Just wondering how you guys thought my chances would be if I applied for Clinical Psych?
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