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    History PhD

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  1. No, but I'm in the same boat. Last program I'm waiting on and extremely restless about the prospects of waiting another few weeks! Hang in there...
  2. Congrats!! Which Illinois program? Chicago or Urbana-Champaign?
  3. Has anyone been able to find out how many applications all of these top schools (especially Northwestern, UW-Madison, Harvard, Princeton, UVA) received this year? I am very curious about what the total numbers look like this year. I also wonder if waitlists look different--it seems there haven't been as many waitlist offers extended this year (haven't seen any for Northwestern yet?) and I wonder if departments are just going to go with whoever accepts their initial offers. Wishing you all the best--it's not over until it's over, but man, this cycle is tough!
  4. Interesting--everything I've seen on program funding spreadsheets suggests Michigan offers between $20-30K for 5 years. Can anyone say more about this? Btw congrats @BJL2021 and everyone who has shared an acceptance so far. Cheers to you all!
  5. Sorry to add to the stress pool, but has anyone heard anything from UIUC? They've consistently been on the quicker side of admissions for the past few years, so I'm a little surprised to have not heard anything yet.
  6. Hi! Your insight on this is much appreciated, thank you for giving me so much to think through. Shifting away from taking "fully funded" at its face value to considering cost of living, placement rates, research support, and other monetary and non-monetary forms of support seems like the most important step I need to take now. I've found it difficult to discern between programs that have a lot of money in the pot and programs that are smart and effective about distributing their money and resources for students, but your advice is helping me figure out what kinds of questions to ask.
  7. I know we're all still a long ways out from making decisions, but I'm curious to hear some of your perspectives on choosing a program at a public vs. private institution. I applied to a good mix, and although the programs at state universities all guarantee full funding, I am increasingly concerned about the resources and security grad students might be able to access there in coming years. Several students at the private institutions I've applied to have pointed to their stipends and overall excellent access to research funding, summer support, and fellowships as defining factors of their experiences. That said, I have also seen users on this forum talk about how much that support differs between various private institutions. I'd appreciate any perspectives from current students or other applicants currently weighing these factors.
  8. Sorry about the rejection, wishing you all the best with the rest of your apps! I heard Northwestern will be taking far fewer students than normal--maybe half the cohort size as usual. I don't think results will be out for a few more weeks, unfortunately.
  9. Hello! Interesting--please let me know if you learn anything! I will do some poking around as well...
  10. I am nearly positive that I am reading too much into this, but did any other UMich applicants notice the addition of a note about CertiFile on the ApplyWeb portal? No updates on status or anything, but I've checked the portal every day and this is the first time I've seen this addendum. Please forgive my grasping at straws... I should also note, I have a few other schools on ApplyWeb and none of them include this update.
  11. I've gotten the best sense of the state of diversity efforts by either directly contacting or simply following current students on Twitter. A lot of students have been quite vocal about the initiatives (or more often, lack thereof...) in that regard as well as in relation to the pandemic and academic jobs crisis. Their honesty has been hard to swallow but so appreciated throughout this application season...
  12. I think it's because there is a steady stream of "interview offers" recorded in the results database. Many of the interviews are with programs that don't say anything about an interview being a part of the application process. Hard to say whether all of the "interviews" being noted are formal or informal, standardized or unique to specific professors, but it sure does exacerbate one's nerves to see the list grow.
  13. I've heard from one POI who wants to talk soon. The program doesn't seem to have a formal interview process, so I was surprised to hear from them and am more anxious about the radio silence from the rest of my programs as a result. I think it's to be expected though. Hang in there, everyone!
  14. I panicked over this same issue a few months ago and emailed several of my schools. Every single school let me know that there is no expectation for applicants to include dual credit/IB/AP transcripts. You should be fine. I also think they'd contact you before simply throwing your application out!
  15. I seriously screwed up and submitted a draft of my writing sample where the sample failed to cite one very short quote. I submitted it to my top school and the deadline has since passed. Is this going to knock me out altogether? Is it worth emailing the department a correction? I am terrified. **I was finally able to connect with my mentor and they assured me that this is not a big deal. Please disregard this query. Stress is getting to me...
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