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Everything posted by transcendental

  1. I haven't been rejected yet either, so who knows. I'm always tempted to email the department to find out, but I'd prefer the humanless automated email with link or form letter in the mail.
  2. Oh sweet. Wish I had known about mediabistro before. Thanks!
  3. Hi. I had applied for a bunch of editorial positions but unfortunately haven't been too lucky in getting a position, but I was happy to see that they do exist! These were all full-time positions and I'm really only looking for something temporary at this point, but it's helpful to know if there are publishers in the area of where you live. I'm in the Chicago area, and there actually are a few big publishers that have more specific publishing houses like Houghton Mifflin and Pearson (I think the local side of them are Scott Foresman and Riverside Publishing). I know that NYC or Boston would be the primary places to look, too. A good way to start is to do some basic web searches and ask people if they know of publishers in the area (I found out about some from a co-worker who had been in publishing). Or just go to publishers' websites and see what job listings they have - a lot of times they have multiple locations listed. I think I had also searched for editing/writing jobs on indeed.com and saw that U of Chicago had editorial assistant positions open for their different academic journals, so also looking at universities with journals or presses would be helpful. I'm beginning to ramble now, but I hope what I've said has been somewhat helpful!
  4. To throw my two cents in here about finding jobs with an English MA, from personal experience in the pharma industry, while you may get people who literally will say to you, "why do you want to study English? Don't you know how to speak it?", I think that corporations do value people who know how to speak and write well. It's a matter of marketing yourself as having advanced skillsets, and even if it is a humanities degree, I think that just having an advanced degree at all will get your resume a second look and pique employers' interest. I've been looking into editorial positions at educational publishers, as well as even editorial assistant positions, and a lot of them prefer candidates to have master's degrees. Good luck!
  5. I doubt the acceptances were fake, but the acceptees may not want to call attention to themselves. I'm only a state away from Iowa, so, yeah, I at least hope acceptances and rejections go out at around the same time. Personally, I applied for the English PhD, not their writers workshop.
  6. Let me correct me saying "not sure what to think." I don't think I'll get in there, but I'd like to know if they're done with decisions if they've made acceptances, that is!
  7. I honestly don't know at this point. I'm baffled that I got into Fordham. I guess I'd just to like to have things wrapped up at this point so I can decide, if there is a decision/choice to make. I'm not sure what to think about Indiana and Illinois. Looks like they've sent out some acceptances but may not be done.
  8. You're right. My neuroticism is mostly pointless when it comes to this stuff.
  9. Thanks for inquiring. Does anyone have thoughts as to whether they've even actually looked at all the apps? I mean, I wonder if the reason I'm still "in review" and not rejected is because they haven't read it yet. Or maybe they've only looked at certain subfields? I'm at the beginning of the alphabet haha.
  10. Ditto. T'wasn't me.
  11. If BC condescends to offer me an unfunded MA spot with me having an MA in hand, I probably will spontaneously burst into flames. They're probably just waiting to send out all the reject letters in one bunch is my guess.
  12. I love the new Fordham acceptance post: POI called me while I was at Denny's at around 8:30PM--I'm in California, so this means that were calling at 11:30PM their time. I'm ok with that. Congrats to whoever it was!
  13. Hi, MelleMelville. Thanks for the congrats. Sorry I can't say more about the composition of the incoming class. It's cool that we have similar interests! I hope you hear some good news soon!
  14. That's great (I hope!). If you end up not going the PhD route now, it would always be waiting for you later. People have been telling me this and I ignored it, but there was a dude at my MA institution that was over 60, so hey.
  15. I'm sorry, jma.
  16. Haha, thanks! Congrats on your accepts as well.
  17. I think I had seen this before, from a past rejection on the results board: Expected. Email said they had over 300 apps and I knew they were accepting 6 and usually 1 who already has an M.A. I had an M.A. They said official letters would follow in the mail but they wanted people to know quickly. And from 2010: only 1 spot for incoming MAs, ouch Lamesauce.
  18. Thanks for explaining to us what a syllogism is! Wow, we really dodged a bullet there. Thanks, bigdgp! I'll be taking you up on that shortly.
  19. Maniacal laugh! Maniacal laugh! That's perfect. I'm still on "In Review." Waiting for it to roll over.
  20. Thanks! Sorry yeah I'm not sure of cohort size and how many people in each field etc. Since there aren't any other posts up yet, I doubt they are done making offers. My guess is that they've just started. Good luck!
  21. I think I'm going to need some smelling salts for the next few days. Haven't heard anything either way.
  22. Congrats, SeveredLetters! Ahhh, I am so curious now as to what's happening.
  23. One of my favorite lines from a student paper was from my friend and office mate's class. The student wrote: "When human beings landed on this planet, they encountered such tragedies as the potato famine." I have no idea what the paper was about (this was a RhetComp paper...), but I will cherish that line forever. When we got papers in, I'd always get excited to hear what this student had written. I've also had a student write that some countries experienced "nutritional shits," and something about "t-shits." Also had a student use the word "boobs" in a paper describing the appearance of a model in an ad.
  24. Random note: has anyone else been getting server overload errors for this forum? We are breaking the internets!
  25. Congrats, Ver-million! And good luck on your interview. I'm going to assume that the dice have already been tossed and that I'm long since out.
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