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Everything posted by transcendental

  1. I was totally going to say Pamela. My god, it is awful. It was on my MA exam reading list, and I have no idea why I even read the whole thing. There are only so many times a man can attempt to rape his maid. And then, oh, he tries the new tactic of being nice to her, and surprise! She loves him, too. Ugh. SO. BAD.
  2. I am, yes! I'm interested in Early and 19th C. American lit, space/place, and epistemology. Thanks for your insight about the date, wreckofthehope. I had been going over the previous results postings trying to figure out what pattern there is. We have survived another day without a letter!
  3. Yesterday was acceptances. Today was waitlists. Let me guess, tomorrow is rejections?
  4. Just show up to BC on the start date with your mailbox and inbox exploding, assuming full funding. Maybe they'd feel so bad for us that they'd accept us even if we had been rejected. (The weird face is for Valentine's Day).
  5. Ahh, well I survived another day of not receiving a rejection letter in the mail.
  6. My heart stopped when I saw that. I'd love to go there!
  7. Ok, interviewees, fess up!
  8. Thanks for the insight, Sparky. It's my inclination to think you're right, too.
  9. Oh hmm, maybe? That could make sense since one of the posters said something along the lines of would like to have been admitted right off the bat... but I mean, who wouldn't want that anyway? There were 4 postings, so seems like kind of a lot if it were only one subfield, but I honestly have no idea. I know that Medieval is a big deal there, though. My neurotic mind wonders on.
  10. Not sure if there was a topic on this one, but was surprised not to see people talking about the interview notices posted for ND's English program. I was surprised to see that they're doing interviews for English because it doesn't look like they've done them in the past for English? Congrats to whoever got the interview emails. Anyone want to claim them? I'm assuming they've all gone out by now...
  11. Thanks for the head's up. I'm not sure how the funding wait-list works at Milwaukee, but I'm in literary studies.
  12. Is anyone planning on turning down a funded offer to UW-Milwaukee?
  13. I found out I got in yesterday. So relieved and happy after a bunch of rejections. I didn't get a letter yet but I assume one will be coming soon. I know someone there now and she said she didn't know for sure about funding until April, but here's to hoping!
  14. Hi weatherwax, saw your message earlier and hadn't been on an actual computer to respond until now. Congrats! Did you get any info on number of class size or anything? I have a feeling that all of the acceptances went out but I think they are a little weird with their waiting lists.
  15. Looks like there were some more admits posted for Purdue. It seems like they went in one batch? Congrats to those accepted! Anyone mind sharing their subfields?
  16. This is sort of unrelated, but I just got an email from Loyola grad school to follow them on facebook. Given the fact that I wasn't invited to their open house, and thus probably am implicitly rejected, I don't think I will be 'liking' them anytime soon!
  17. That would be great, thank you.
  18. I know! Same here. Oh goddess of ISIS...
  19. Anyone hear anything from Iowa lately? It's one of my last few chances. Seems like we might be hearing soon. (p.s. congrats to the previous admit!)
  20. I see there's an acceptance up for UIC. Anyone want to claim it? Congrats, also!
  21. I, too, am trying to be optimistic, but at the same time have to brace myself. It is weird that only 2 acceptances have been posted. It seems like people on this site would be potential posters of good news.
  22. Lame. Thanks for looking into it for us. And congrats to the lucky ones who did get in.
  23. Haha, mine has both: Application Status: Complete ready for review Decision: Pending - Manual Review Req I have no idea how that will appear when I hit post. Anyway, it's also possible that admissions for Chicago area schools are delayed somewhat because of the giant dumping of snow the Midwest received earlier this month.
  24. My application status has been pending for a while, too. Late time I applied to UIC, it was changed to "DENY" sometime in late February (maybe?). Can't wait for that to happen again...
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