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Everything posted by CAPoliSciPhD

  1. Yeah, you do. mwahahahahaha (that was my evil laugh) just google apply corner and you'll figure it out - i looked at who got in and who's applying...those two separate places...
  2. mims, my nightmare, too.... as for looking at apply corner - it was sobering, scary, mortifying, etc. People are rejected with better stats than mine and the people who did get in - well, their profiles make me want to throw up.
  3. BTW how long did this take you to do? (don't be ashamed to admit it)
  4. There goes that day of rest for you. None of my programs got back to anyone that early last year.
  5. Yes, under normal circumstances. I've always heard from professors and other people in my field that this is the case. Programs are not likely to admit you if you got your B.A. from that department.
  6. You mean second, right? You're over 21? You shouldn't feel so young - that group is large: 21-24
  7. West Africa? Yeah, I'd bet there's a time difference.
  8. What are the schools (poli sci programs) that hear back the earliest? to everyone applying to these programs - what's the earliest date posted for one of your programs? I think mine is either UC Davis or UCB.
  9. linden, what part of the world are you in?
  10. I object to both the intervals of both polls!!! Only bc I'm one of those with a GRE score that ends 00... and bc my age is the last year in a group...heh.
  11. I don't have the patience to go through all my schools...plus it wouldn't tell me too much bc some programs I'm applying to have 2 or 3 posted results (WHICH KILLS ME bc I have NO idea what to think and apply corner doesn't have anything either!) -- but at quick glance it does seem to me that a lot of people found out on Tuesdays... So beware of Tuesdays!!!
  12. Maybe I should go do this for my 14 schools...we can all compare stats...heh.
  13. I literally laughed out loud. That's great. Now I have to go look up your 15 schools.
  14. or maybe we'll go nuts from waiting
  15. Are you sure it was a Saturday? Maybe they just posted it on Saturday? And I kind of figured everyone would still be freaking out....I really wish i knew I had to turn off my ability to daydream....bc now they just deal with grad school scenarios...
  16. We're only a little bit away from the weekend so here's my question to all you.... Are you able to actually relax over the next two days since you know you can't hear anything? Are Saturdays and Sundays our our days to recover for another week of waiting?
  17. I've gotten a couple of those but some schools that had deadlines 12/15 never sent me anything. I hope that's not a big deal. UCLA annoys me the most, I think. Their status site notes that they have everything I sent (which is everything required) yet for some reason it says Items Required to Complete: Suppl Info WTF is Suppl Info? I've gone back over the requirements and I've submitted everything listed...now I'm just worried that it's something I overlooked and I wasted time and money applying and they won't even look at my application.
  18. Congrats! That's great that you've heard already! About once an hour I tell myself I'm not going to ever come back to this board and stop checking my status on my app pages. My productivity level has severely dropped --- I don't know how I can manage a few more months of this. Plus today I was watching CNN so much with that plane coverage - FREAKING SCARY STUFF!
  19. Well today I got a FREAKING wrong number - I didn't pick up the phone cause I didn't recognize the area code so I googled the area code and it was from the SAME freaking area code of a school I applied to but I got a machine from a place trying to sell me something when I dared call back --- UGH - How dumb can I be? I KNOW I won't hear anything for a few weeks.
  20. Ha. Thanks for the replies guys. Those of you who just said places where you have a 100 percent chance of getting in....well, clearly that's safe but I meant what makes you think that you have that 100 percent shot? For me - I don't have a single safety school. Myy record is a little complicated but on top of that all of the schools I applied to have 3% to 10% acceptance rates...
  21. I WISH I could have kept it to myself but it's not practical - my mentor is one of my letters of rec and on top of that there were three professors who all got together and tried picking places for me to apply to! THEN on top of that my friends who are in my master's program are so interested bc they're doing this next year --- so even though I'm applying to so many freaking schools - these people can tell me ALL of them - they know exactly how many schools I've applied to I just don't don't don't don't don't want to strike out!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Hi Everyone - the other thread gave me an idea...I'm curious how everyone is defining their safety school? If you applied to a so-called safety - what makes it that for you??
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