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Everything posted by CAPoliSciPhD

  1. Well, I can only hope... Weird thing is I'm applying to a few schools that no one on here is applying to -- wonder in the past how it was; I mean how representative are we of the kind of schools our peers (?) are applying to... I'd like to think of only 15 people are applying to all of my schools so I will get in everywhere! Maybe I should lay off my 3rd cup of green tea....
  2. holy crap - are we already at this point? I didn't apply there t_ruth but I bet no news is not bad news this early
  3. who is "we're" ? what kind of program?
  5. wow! that sucks though!!! Thank goodness you had that tracking information... I don't think I'm going to call UCSD. This school is seriously beyond a reach for me, and I'll just have to hope that they got them but paper letters weren't put in...
  6. ha. good call. I actually called and spoke to someone - she sounded young (maybe undergrad can work there as part of work study) Anyway, she was really nice and couldn't find my transcripts but told me to give it time so that's what I'll do... sorry for the freak out.
  7. Two of my schools just posted status things on applyyourself....my embark ones I haven't checked yet
  8. Thanks. I hope that's the case. I didn't realize that the applyyourself websites would change! Now a couple of my schools have it so you can see exactly what they've received. Just two days ago that wasn't the case. Luckily for my sanity (and prob or everyone who's subjected to my ramblings on this board) I just checked one school that has received everything --- it's a miracle!
  9. One more thing -- my crazy reach school was UCSD, and I just checked that status, too - and it doesn't have two of my letters as received! those 2 were paper so I actually overnighted them so I could track it....do you think this is one where they just didn't update the status website? It's too late for this school....the application deadline was 12/15
  10. You can't go away! I'm going to be the bad influence... We need to all band together in this time of crisis Crazy loves company... (er...ok so I changed that saying...)
  11. How do you know this? And that kind of scares me...
  12. I can't BELIEVE what I just saw. I've been feeling bad for everyone one here who is having application issues and I have them with a couple LsOR BUT - I swear the words going through my head are so bad that anyone would be disgusted if they heard.... A freaking school that I applied to awhile ago (with a deadline of Jan. 1) just sent me some e-mail with the subject - application verification stating they got it and fee payment -- (yeah, i got the auto one, too weeks ago) anyway I logged into the applyyourself site and they don't have EITHER of my transcripts -- wtf! Now it's way past the deadline! Gosh darn it to heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I only want a complete end to waiting if it ends happily ever after.
  14. Because honestly, there's a lot more luck involved than we'd all like to admit. There's probably a good chance some of the top schools could get 30 candidates who qualify and are a match with the school --- but if they only take 15, there's 15 good applicants who will get rejections... Take a look at apply corner - people are applying to 10-15 schools and getting one acceptance or none at all....OF COURSE this doesn't mean that this WILL happen and I hope we all get into at least a few schools - but it is being realistic to think of the high rejection rates There are a lot of unknown variables in this process that we cannot compensate for.... We can just wait. And hope.
  15. Is anyone on here applying to Maryland? It doesn't matter the program... Two of my letters have been submitted but my third said she never got the link! wtf! Anyway, Maryland has to be dumb about it - you can't just resend the link or send a reminder -- you have to contact the dept and I cannot get ahold of anyone! Does anyone know a way around this??? Or run into the same problem? She's an older professor but I told her to check her spam folder and all that jazz...
  16. I applied to 14 total. To the person who asked if I feel more relaxed bc I applied to so many---- NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT! I'm not posting on that other thread about taking a guess at how many you'll get into, etc. bc I'm just scared silly to even be so sure I'll get into 1. I have a really weird undergrad record so I have no IDEA if I have a chance at the schools I've applied to - AND just because you apply to more doesn't mean you increase your odds (someone posted that they applied to 10 schools with a 5 percent chance at admission so they had a 50 percent chance to get in somewhere...HA! I WISH it worked that way (I was tempted to ask about the Q score on the GRE -- lol j/k that'd be the pot calling the kettle black) -- Anyway, applying to a lot more schools isn't necessarily going to increase your chances. Plus, I wonder if I missed something during the application process that would disqualify me automatically (check the other thread for that one) -- anyway, this post is now a lot longer than I thought it'd be! Anyway, at least I can be pathetic anonymously on this board if I don't get in anywhere. And to the other person who applied to a ton of schools and said at least they couldn't obsess by checking all the time---I wish that were true for me, too!
  17. Duke may be on the ball but I saw that UC Boulder and UC Davis had some early acceptances and rejections last year so those are the two that I could hear back from first (positive or negative results) --- then again, people were getting accepted to those schools a month later, too - so who knows? As for Davis, there really weren't many people who applied that posted on thegradcafe results --- wish I knew a bit more about my chances at these places... As for being surrounded by applications...well, you're a braver person than I am - that'd be torture for me. At least the people who are applying have someone sympathetic to their plight, eh?
  18. ha. yeah, I just looked at a calendar and realized it's 2 weeks until the season kicks off... Right now I'm interested but not stressed too much bc this is the time where I'm SUPPOSED to hear nothing...when it kicks off though in a couple weeks I'm sure I'll freak out and close my eyes everytime I click log-in on my email...I'm going to be a tad afraid to read anything! And I'm sure reading the results page will make me nuts...what can I say? I'm glutton for punishment!
  19. Yeah, I saw that... it's gotta be a bogus post don't you think?
  20. yeah, that'd be a little extreme. My original SOP was 600 and I knew that'd be too large for this program. (It's a safety school that I don't really want to attend, but I figured I should at least follow the directions somewhat or risk getting a rejection from even my safety!)
  21. So now that all of the applications are in and we have nothing to do but wait (well, I'm sure we all have something we SHOULD be doing)...is anyone having application remorse? There are seriously 4 schools that I regret applying to (watch, the only program I get into will be one of those) - I was stoked about them until I went through the application process for those 4 and now I just have a bad feeling about them all... for different reasons, some it's the people involved, some it was the more I went through the process the less I felt like I would even fit into the program (but I was already 3/4 finished so I felt too invested to just not apply)... anyone else feel like this? or am I just a mental case?
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