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  1. I applied to the Daniels at UofT on January, and I also have not heard anything from them. I wrote several emails to my POI and its DGS, radio silence.
  2. same to me, I still have 8 programs pending, all of them are from architecture departments.
  3. update: got rejected several days ago. My poi told me it was because they received some new information after the Open House from the university, which made them could only admit California US citizens this year. Well done University of Cal!
  4. sptnic

    Fall 2021

    I attended the Open House held by the department of HAA, UCSB on Feb 26. My poi told me the decisions would possibly be made at mid-March. Hope this info helps you: )
  5. sptnic

    Fall 2021

    Hi everyone, I applied to PhD programs at Cornell (HAUD), Columbia, and UCSB this year. Until now, I haven't heard anything from Columbia and Cornell after I submit the applications. Since I didn't get any reply from my POI at Columbia, guess I would be rejected. But I did get an active reply from my POI at Cornell before the submission, and was told that their admissions ability was not clear this year, so I am still waiting for Cornell. As to UCSB, I received an open house invitation last week from the director, but have no idea what is size of the attendance and does it mean anything regarding the acceptance. Did anyone got this invitation too? We may talk
  6. Just received a mail from Dept. of History of Art & Architecture, UCSB. It's an Open House invitation, sent from the Grad. Admission Advisor. Anyone would also join this Open House?
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