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    Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Program
    Counselling Psychology

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Would you mind sharing Lakehead's guaranteed funding? I'm considering applying there as well but wasn't able to find it.
  2. Not applying to clinical, just applying to social psych there because that's the province I live in. Hoping to apply to clinical there next year though if this year doesn't work out
  3. I actually talked to my academic advisor about IRPs (if that's what your independent research was) last year - he said everyone knows what they are now and that they're comparable to honours theses so it's no big deal! He may not be accurate, but he's been in the field for like 30 years and says people really don't care, the idea is just for you to have experienced conducting research independently (which clearly you have).
  4. Darn, I didn't include that on my CV in fear of accidentally lying so lets hope I get an interview so I can say that! Also I really don't think you need to worry about your funding situation, you sound like one of the strongest applicants out there. CGS lets you apply during your first year of your MA as well and with experience like yours, I would be willing to bet POIs would be pretty confident in your ability to secure funding at that time. Applying in advance (from what my professor told me) is more important for students who are more of a "maybe" when it comes to being able to secure funding and I definitely do not think that applies to you!
  5. Thank you so much, this was really helpful! That prof was actually the only one who responded with me and agreed to meet over Zoom, so hearing him say he wouldn't accept a student without pubs was super discouraging. My research experience earlier on was mostly menial tasks but now i'm working on a thesis and another study for where i'm second author. I still feel like because i have no pubs/presentations i'm on the weaker side of applicants, but hopefully next year will be better!
  6. Any current grad students have any thoughts on this? I feel like I'm definitely a weaker applicant and am worried i wasted a ton of money applying.
  7. Hi guys! I'm super stressed about having submitted my applications and am wondering if someone can be super blunt with me about my chances (all for clinical psych programs btw) - 3.89 cGPA (started in chem/physics so first year is a bit lower), 4.0 GPA in final two years - No publications or presentations, currently submitting one psychiatry manuscript where i'm 2nd author - Undergrad honours thesis in progress - really doubt I'll publish - RA in multiple labs throughout my undergrad - A bunch of somewhat clinical-y experiences but I don't think that counts too much where I'm applying My main concerns are my lack of publications/presentations, possibly weak references, and the fact that my research hasn't been in the exact topic i want to study in grad school. I also emailed some professors I was applying to, but head back from very few and am worried they just aren't interested in me. One told me he wouldn't even consider my app because i had no pubs. Also a lot of applicants I know are way older than me and have years of work experience while I'm still in my 4th year. Any advice??
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