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Posts posted by CaitlynM

  1. On 1/28/2024 at 11:03 PM, chloew98 said:

    Does anyone know if there will be interviews for the Education PhD program this year? I asked the admissions office, but their response didn't provide any additional information beyond what is already on the website.

    Most of the programs don't do formal interviews! This link tells you exactly which ones might do interviews and in what capacity. 


    Also from last years, it seems like decisions go out the second or third week of February :)

  2. 24 minutes ago, TheGradCocaCola said:

    I applied to the Columbia PhD but was not accepted. Today I received an email from the history department inviting me to apply for one of their master's programs.
    Has anyone else received this email as well? Will you try it?

    I received one, as well! I am thinking about it, but not sure if it's worth it. I am currently getting an EdM in Education so idk if another masters degree will do me any good. Though I really want some academic experience in the History field, so I am torn! Are you planning on trying for it? 

  3. 7 hours ago, Anthony81 said:

    Thank you so much. Learning all I can about this process and I wasn't sure if 19K in grant money was average or on the low/high end of what they offer in grant money. I would like about $7K more and not sure if its worth it to appeal.

    I was offered the same amount and a 5k work/study! I don't think appealing would lead anywhere, especially since they're being very conservative with funding this year; but it never hurts to try! 

  4. I’m really hoping to hear about financial aid today! I want to reply to my other decisions to let people who are on the waitlist in but I can’t until I see if Harvard offers any aid! Fingers crossed!!!!

  5. 4 hours ago, GradSchoolApplicant12 said:

    Hi all! Just wondering if others accepted into the EPA program received a welcome phone call yesterday? (Monday) 

    I was in the middle of work and had to cut the phone call short, but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss something important! Thanks ?

    I didn't receive a call, but I did get an email! I also got into EPA, but I would love to connect! 

  6. 10 minutes ago, KcNc2019 said:

    Are any of you able to get into the student aid portal? I'm getting an error message that the NetPartner is unavailable. Also, I'm not able to view my documents.  Am I alone?  Is this a clue?

    I was able to get in just now totally fine. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, xyzxyz123 said:

    Ohh that’s what I received haha that’s why my sophomore year’s gpa was so low and I honestly didn’t know what was I doing at that time during the entire academic year. I hope the last two year’s gpa would compensate that... I also forgot to mention that I also took a course at a cc and received 4.0/4.0 on it. If calculate the entire 4 years of undergrad + current master’s program, the cumulative gpa is 3.4-3.5 ish... but I really hope the last two years of undergrad could weigh more...

    I think that they will! Honestly the whole admissions process is half luck. I’ll be super excited to see who gets in this year! Everyone is super amazing ? 

  8. 48 minutes ago, xyzxyz123 said:

    Also, wait, what do you mean by writing sample? HGSE doesn’t have a requirement for writing sample... did you submit it as additional file???

    Sorry I misspoke! I meant that I talked about it in my personal statement and I know one of my professors for my LOR talked about it too! 

    I got a C in stats, but that was during community college! My cumulative GPA with CC is a 3.79! 

  9. 1 hour ago, xyzxyz123 said:

    ???this aligns with my experience too...... do you mind sharing your stats? GPA, school went to, GRE/GMAT if you submitted, professional experiences....

    Yeah of course, I’m happy to share! 

    School: San Francisco State University

    3.9 GPA, International Relations major and History minor. 

    I transferred to SFSU from a community college in California so my stats are only what I did while at my main university.   

    While at SFSU, I chaired the Academic Committee for the International Education Exchange Council, was a Presidents Leadership Fellow, and was a part of Sigma Iota Rho and the International Relations journal. My undergraduate thesis paper was 45 pages long and talked about how the US history education system is a form of propaganda and needs deep reform to resolve the cultural conflicts in the US. I submitted a piece of it for my writing sample. 

    I worked on campus in the student government office and tutored multiple subjects, as well. I had an internship with the World Trade Organization, a research start up based out of London, volunteered at an art education non-profit, and am currently serving an Americorps position. 

    I didn’t submit a GRE score to any schools. The timing was lucky for me and I didn’t ever have to take it.  

    My LOR’s came from 2 professors (one IR and one History) and another professor who was also the supervisor for my student government job. 

    I feel like my personal statement is fairly strong! Not 100% sure though ? I second guessed it a million times. Outside of school, I have a book published on Amazon and am an avid writer, I also have an blog where I write fiction stories!

    Wow this post is long!!! Sorry about that ? what about you?? 

  10. 2 minutes ago, xyzxyz123 said:

    me neither regarding math backgrounds and I’m actually not good at it.... I have consulted with several of my friends who studied policy either at HGSE or other education schools. They said that the policy programs at education schools are different from the MPP or MPA at policy schools such as at Harvard Kennedy School, and the education schools’ policy programs don’t involve much math.... I don’t know if it was true but I believe the policy programs at education schools would rely math much less than the ones that policy schools. What’s your thoughts?

    I definitely agree! From what I was looking at, the program didn’t seem very math heavy, but I wasn’t sure how they would weigh that when looking at applications! My worst grades were in math, I didn’t take anything but what was required ?

  11. 4 hours ago, xyzxyz123 said:

    I mentioned this on an earlier page - I applied to the Education Policy & Analysis (EPA) program. I thought the program I applied to would also be very popular, but it seems like no one in this thread has applied to the program so far. 

    I also applied to EPA! Super nervous because I don’t have a heavy math background and I know that a lot of schools look for that when candidates apply for policy. Good luck!!!! I was also surprised to see not many people seemed to have applied for it! 

  12. @Trytryagain If it makes you feel any better, I am super nervous about my age too, especially after seeing the averages. I am currently 20 and will be 21 by the time the program starts; I definitely feel like my age will be a huge red flag during their admissions process, despite my experience and stats. The average entering age for my major at NYU is similar to HGSE though and I just got accepted. 

    Whatever is supposed to happen will happen! Averages are only averages. Good luck! 

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