Hello! I actually was interviewed and accepted back in 2018, and graduated in Spring 2020. I remember the questions being fairly standard (expanding on academic/work experiences, stating why you want to pursue the degree and why at Penn, strengths/weaknesses, where do you see yourself in X amount of years and what populations you want to work with, etc.) I remember being specifically asked about the nuances between clinical and counseling psychology, but that was likely because I let them know of my plans to pursue a doctoral degree in the future. They also asked us all about self care practices. There wasn't anything too surprising or unexpected. I think they might have had one or two scenario questions (can't remember the specifics, sorry!) but they were more intuitive and didn't require any clinical knowledge or anything like that.
I was pretty nervous about doing a group interview, but it ended up being fine. Try to answer first if you can so you don't come across as repetitive if others have similar answers. Prepare concise responses to those standard questions, and pay attention to body language so you come across as professional and confident! Remember that you've already been deemed qualified on paper, and they're trying to assess personality and fit. The program really emphasizes diversity, cultural competency, and the social justice framework. If you can emphasize that, all the better. Good luck!!