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Posts posted by sadficus

  1. On 3/9/2021 at 2:37 AM, gaelamisocio said:

    Hi, everyone. I was tired of waiting so I send an email to the department and they answered "We hope to have final decisions within the next 10 days." Which feels like an eternity to me haha. Good luck with the wait !

    Damn, they’re pushing up awful close against that April 15th deadline! 

  2. I think this depends largely on whether you’re set on getting your PhD at NYU. I’ve heard that NYU tends to strongly favor their masters students when admitting to their very selective PhD program. I’m starting my PhD at Northwestern this fall and I only have a B.A. from a large, not so prestigious public research university. Ultimately, I didn’t even consider NYU because of the price tag on the M.A. If you have the financial resources to justify going to NYU, I’d say go for it, but I’d never suggest someone take out $100,000 ($60,000 tuition plus cost of living in NYC) in loans for an M.A. 

  3. I’ve been holding off on posting my news in case all results hadn’t gone out for the program, but I think I should be good now. I got into Northwestern Performance Studies! I really can’t believe it. I didn’t think anything was going to happen for me this year, because I’m straight out of undergrad (took a gap year) and I went to a not very competitive state school. I also got rejected from literally every single other program I applied to. All this to say that it only takes one! If you haven’t heard back from all your schools yet, don’t lose hope. 

  4. The Northwestern PS visit weekend went really well! The interviews were pretty casual, with professors asking more open ended questions to start conversation. The DGS did ask a few more formal questions like “why NU” and “what is the genealogy of your research” etc. It was four back to back thirty minute zoom interviews, which was exhausting but also kind of fun. They were very honest and told us that we all performed really well and it’s going to be a really difficult decision to make, and will probably hinge more on the department’s needs than anything else at this point. Wishing you all the best as you encounter similar experiences! 

  5. 13 hours ago, Aloc_xx said:

    sadficus, I am in the same situation and I feel we aren’t only two who feel in that way. damn covid. I hope you’ll get into your one of top choice! fingers crossed to both of us! 

    @Aloc_xxits good to hear that I'm not the only one feeling this way! Best of luck to you too! I'm trying to look at is as though if I made it this far during such a rough year, I'd be in pretty good shape during a "normal" year. So if nothing happens this season, it very well may next. 

  6. FYI I just got waitlisted to GW. They did not send an email, I just found the decision upon checking the portal. I am feeling pretty ambivalent about it, as it is my bottom choice and I have an interview coming up with my top choice, and at this point I don't think I'd attend even if I receive no other offers this year. 

  7. The only American Studies program I’ve heard back from is USC (with a rejection). I’m still waiting to hear back from U Mich, GWU, NYU, and UC San Diego Ethnic Studies. I was losing my mind until I landed an interview with Northwestern Performance Studies. Hoping the excitement for that will carry me through the rest of this long and torturous season. 

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