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Ophelias pansies

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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
  • Program
    Writing MFA

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Thank you so much !!! It is!
  2. Hi! Thank you so much It was an email. I was invited to schedule a phone call for later. Good luck I really hope you get in and hear back soon!?
  3. I JUST GOT INTO COLUMBIA! OH MY GOD!!!! I was rejected from six schools and got into my seventh! ?
  4. This process wears people down and I see a lot of people on the forum upset because of the results. I'm personally upset and have anxieties about my writing because of the results that I've gotten. I thought Marshal's comments were uncalled for and I felt like it was unethical for me not to say something. If someone is brave enough to share their writing they shouldn't get hounded on the internet for no good reason. I get the don't interact mentality but that comment was awful enough for me to speak up. Their (brand new) username is unfortunate but I don't associate with them and haven't since I joined in January.
  5. It might be a last name thing? I'm pretty early in the alphabet.
  6. Honestly dude I was going to take the high road and ignore you. But you are literally the most pathetic person I've ever interacted with. I sincerely hope you come back year after year because no program wants you. You deserve nothing but rejection after rejection because you have the personality of a wet sock. And what's up with the evil twin bit? Like what type of empty life do you have to have to spend all day on a website acting like a Disney channel villain. You are pathetic and I personally can't wait for karma to come for you. And trust me people like you always get their comeuppance. *Also bye guys if this gets flagged and I'm removed. You've all been wonderful but I've been itching to tell this guy off. Unlike him I've got a life and I'm not interested in making more than one account (you know like a loser).*
  7. Fair warning Brown rejections are rolling in! ? Good luck y'all and remember these decisions don't define you!
  8. Thank you so much for your responses! I'm definitely going to follow your advice and go job hunting as soon as possible! Even the thought of having a few more options other than grad school makes me feel more secure!
  9. I know this sound naive of me but I never thought of it that way. The advice that I got was to not look for anything right now because it might close doors for me in the future if I have to bail/turn a job down because I was accepted somewhere. But I think you're right I gotta do what's best for right now. Thanks for your response!
  10. Does anyone have advice for looking for jobs post grad while waiting for results? One thing that I'm starting to dislike about this process is how long it takes to hear back from schools. I totally understand that schools have to sift through applications and figure out logistical stuff behind the scenes but...it still sucks lol. I'd love to have more time to work and commit to a plan B instead of waiting for plan A to (maybe) work out. A lot of my friends already have jobs lined up post-graduation and I feel like I'm behind because I don't want to commit in case I get into schools. Any advice? (I'd ask someone else but I'm first gen and I feel like nobody "gets" these problems like you guys do). What did you guys do when you were in my situation?
  11. Congrats! I'm crossing my fingers for movement on the list for you!
  12. Thanks for letting us know! I applied to Rutgers Camden and it's nice to have a bit of a warning before everything comes rolling in!
  13. There is also a chance that you will get into good MFA programs too though. I understand exactly how you feel about being lost and imposter syndrome is no stranger to me. But, I think that when the time comes you'll be able to make the best choice for yourself. Also neither program is going away anytime soon. You always have a second chance.
  14. Anyone who applied to Helen Zell (Michigan,Ann Arbor) the "How to Apply" page updated and said that decisions will be made in early March! Hope this eases some February nerves!
  15. Same! Honestly I wish I could rip the bandaid off. I never thought that worrying for an answer would lose it's zeal so quickly.
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