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Everything posted by Maguire

  1. Same here - at a few places I actually reached out to several professors (4+) as one who provided positive feedback said it would maximise my chances. I emailed back in late August and had responses quite quickly, so I think that was a good time to get in touch.
  2. Same for me - had very positive emails with profs but have not heard back yet so don't know quite what to think. I've seen before where people have gotten in that talked previously with profs but did not receive an interview come January so I wouldn't despair too much.
  3. Good luck!! I applied to a ton of places as you can see so I'm hoping some of the US ones come to fruition! I went through the process of contacting professors before applying in the fall, and many made clear that they routinely accept undergrads straight through so thus I decided to give it a shot. Re Cambridge - I applied for MAs in the UK, so that is probably why I got in so early there as there's no interview process. I think based on past results, Princeton will probably come through either next week or the following week (my bet would be on the week of the 8th) and I think Yale will be pretty much the same as acceptances for them usually come in early Feb.
  4. Sending everyone support and the absolute best of luck as we barrel into February on Monday!!!
  5. I think Michigan (Ann-Arbor) usually gets back around Mid-Feb, with the "official" notifications/letters coming early March? Guess it depends on who your POI is as well in terms of them personally letting you know the decision! I'm hoping we hear soon!
  6. I've applied but haven't heard anything yet. Seems like it depends on who your POI is. Surprised they are getting back so soon as usually it is February people start hearing back. I'm really hoping some other schools start getting back sooner than later too, as usually Duke, Berkeley & UIUC get back around end of Jan/early Feb. I think there will be a lot more decisions coming out next week and the week after.
  7. Hi there, best of luck with all of your applications! I wouldn’t worry too much yet because I think far more decisions will be announced in February - so from next week we should hopefully see some more results (and let’s hope they are positive!)
  8. I’m guessing quite a few more will be coming in from next week since it’s then Feb...! So hard waiting.
  9. Would people advise against emailing a POI to enquire re application/admissions status? Probably best to just wait until they contact you, right? Edit: Thanks - I agree waiting is the best course of action, even if it is difficult ?
  10. Anyone on this forum claiming the UC Berkeley acceptances? If so, would you mind sharing your subfield?
  11. Re the Northwestern issue, this is what their website states - early February. I think early March would be a bit late for them but may be when funding decisions go out? Edit: Seems possible based on the point they make there saying “you will only receive a letter if you are admitted” that there may be no formal rejection letters?
  12. Seems likely. Although there is currently an acceptance and rejection for Berkeley which usually releases late Jan/early Feb so don’t know quite what to take from that. I think from next week through the rest of Feb is when most applicants will start hearing properly.
  13. For US and international political analysis, follow my former boss Brian Klaas on Twitter. I was his research assistant this summer and consultant on his new book. He’s particularly astute on matters related to authoritarianism and election rigging.
  14. I'm guessing so! Maybe it is likely we could hear from POIs we have been in contact with in the next week or early Feb and then get the "official" response later in the month? I don't know what to think but based on results from previous years it looks like Yale acceptances generally come out early-mid Feb, so I guess it's not too wild to imagine we could hear back in the next couple weeks!!
  15. Just saw in the public results that someone has received an acceptance email from their POI! So looks like Berkeley is doing their decisions from now onwards! Surprised they’re giving out decisions on a Saturday. Ahh good luck all!!
  16. I’m not quite sure why that person got an email rejection first but I saw that on the results yesterday - I’m guessing if their POI let them know that most likely the rest of us will be hearing one way or the other in the upcoming week or so. Good luck to all!
  17. I think Berkeley will be giving out offers for several different programs next week, as I’ve applied there for History and just saw that someone posted a rejection email they got from their POI yesterday so most likely those decisions are coming this upcoming week!
  18. Saw on the results a rejection from Berkeley (via email from POI) guess we can expect decisions from them fairly soon!!! ??
  19. Hi there, Quick q - Does anyone know when decisions are usually released for most schools? I’ve applied for History and Political Science/Government PhDs. Is the first couple weeks of Feb this year the best bet? Thanks in advance.
  20. Does anyone know around when we will start getting decisions back this year? My thinking was that the first couple weeks of February seem likely? Thanks in advance ?
  21. No worries - hopefully it's useful (sometimes I find it a little stressful looking at it though in regards to the low number of admissions expected this year!) I applied for PhD programmes. I hope so too - and for you as well! Feel free to DM if you want to keep in touch!
  22. I wonder what that more mid-Western schools like Wisconsin and Michigan - which usually have larger intakes, especially Wisconsin - are reducing their numbers to this year? Perhaps 12-15 students? I think in past years they gave out 20/30+ offers. They look like such fantastic programmes.
  23. Good luck to you also! I don’t necessarily have a top choice, but am particularly keen on Michigan, Yale and Vanderbilt. That being said, I’d be overjoyed to get an offer from any of the schools I’ve applied to! UT Austin would be nice also as half of my family lives in San Antonio & Austin. I’ve actually done some work on political Ecologies as well - I did a whole module on it actually! This is the link to the forum - I think the SOP dispute starts around page 16 or so, basically someone uploaded their opening statement of their SOP and some others have quite thoroughly critiqued it ? There’s a lot more basic Q&A posts on the forum though so you should check it out!
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