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Everything posted by Psychologystudent2021

  1. I think most people who know they are on the waitlist or rejected know because they reached out to the school and asked about their status. They seemed to answer everyone who asked, so if you’re curious you could reach out
  2. Thank you both! I have one offer but I’m trying to gage where I am with other schools before accepting ?. Here’s to hoping I hear soon
  3. Has anyone been officially rejected from Queens? I haven’t heard anything from them. Also, my York portal still says there’s no decision made on my application yet even though I was not invited to the open house, any insights? Finally, has anyone who was previously on the waitlist received an offer from Lakehead? Trying to gauge where I might be before accepting a different offer.
  4. Hi there! If you retake classes, be careful. I have heard that some schools won’t look at the repeated class grade, just the original grade. I can’t remember which exact school said this, but maybe someone else on here could speak to that? Either way, make sure you look at specific programs you are interested in to see how they go about courses that have been repeated
  5. Can anyone offer insight on what is considered high funding compared to low funding for first year masters?
  6. Very excited to say I was emailed an informal acceptance to the University of Regina! If anyone has any questions please feel free to send me a message!
  7. Has York finished conducting interviews? Noticed the above poster said a mass rejection letter went out and that their application status changed in the portal. My application status still says “No decision made - currently under consideration” but I haven’t heard back from any professors for an interview and I haven’t received a rejection email.
  8. I had spoke the program coordinator and it sounds like all 8 initial offers were sent out
  9. Anyone know how many Lakehead offers have gone out so far? If you are open to chatting please DM me!
  10. If anyone has heard from Ryerson and wouldn’t mind DMing me could you please? ❤️ Thanks in advance
  11. Some posts on results page saying Lakehead sent out rejection emails
  12. That’s what mine said up until today! Maybe you’re still being considered or maybe they are slow in sending out rejections (although I’m hoping it’s the first option!)
  13. To anyone who has not heard from UNB: Check your application portal. Mine said not admissible to the program. If you click view actions, then decision history, than download, it takes you to a rejection letter. Good luck everyone!
  14. University of Calgary sent out rejections today, looks like a mass email. Good luck to everyone who received interviews ❤️
  15. Hey! I had this same question and the graduate program admin told me your POI won’t even see the application and you aren’t obligated to complete the project
  16. Yes! Have you tried logging into my info and accessing your email that way?
  17. For anyone who applied to Lakehead: I just received an email in my lakehead email inbox saying that my application is being reviewed by the admissions committee and that offers of admission could begin as early as Feb 15 and will continue until April 15 or until all seats are filled. I’m not sure if they have sent out any rejections, but might be worth checking your Lakehead email for the update!
  18. Hi there! I have also applied to Regina. I wouldn’t worry too much yet since the application deadline was only a few weeks ago. I imagine they are like most other programs and received an influx of applications, so don’t stress yet Good luck with your applications
  19. School: Ryerson Program: Clinical Psychology, MA Interview Type: Secondary interview with professor who is not my POI, clinical interview Date of Invite: January 27, 2021 School: Ryerson Program: Clinical Psychology, MA Interview Type: Invite from Graduate Program Administrator for the virtual visiting day Date of Invite: January 29, 2021
  20. Hey there! I’m not 100% sure on the answer but when I contacted the Graduate Program Administrator they said professors will be contacting students throughout January. That being said, I know some people have already been contacted for their second interview so I’m not sure where interviews are at overall. Sorry this wasn’t overly insightful, just wanted to share what I know
  21. Does anyone have a solid understanding on how Ryerson interviews are working this semester? It seems that people are having a ton of different types of interview offers Seems confusing, hoping to gain some understanding for myself and other Ryerson hopefuls!
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