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Everything posted by brzy
Nope still nothing. I emailed yesterday and the reply I got was "decisions will be released soon". So that could be soon as in Monday or soon as in July for all we know at this point lmao ?
has anyone reached out to UofA recently? they said decisions will go out by the end of the month and today is the last day lol.
we've got this! just a few more days and regardless of the outcome, we will know and can move forward with our lives (finally lol)
i really hope so because my patience is far too thin at this point lol
has anyone heard anything from UofA? They sent their decisions by April 20th/21st last year and I really cannot take much more of this anxiety and uncertainty :///
No just Epi
same lmfao ripppp
damn :// i’m assuming that the acceptances have all gone out before that then?
I’m under pre-screening for one stream and under review for the second. I don’t understand their methods and I wish they would either reject me or tell me when they’re gonna reject me ??
No just UofA
Ya thats true, hard to hear tho :// LOL they looked at mine and threw it straight out. Ill be in pre-screening until the end of time
you think all the acceptances have gone out already? for all streams or just Epi?
Pre-screening ?
So if we haven't heard anything by now then its probably a rejection? also i applied to MPH not MSc so idk if that changes anything
me too i’m tired of waiting. actually i was tired of waiting in feb. i give up lol
ahhhhh i didn’t see that! so i guess i should assume that’s a rejection ? lol
people got in for MPH epi already?? why are we not atleast at under review ??
same here! but my application for global health has been under review since january... so the streams must be progressing at very different rates
yup same here... I really wish we had a timeline ?
same here, my progress hasn't budged since December
Im still waiting on Alberta ? ? apparently decisions come out April so fingers crossed next week or shortly after
Okay phew! I also applied for global health and i've been 'under review' since January so I have no idea what is going on or which one is worse lol
No idea, im still at pre-screening which is concerning. hbu?
I did, MPH not MSc tho