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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
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    History PhD

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  1. Congratulations on your acceptance! A rejection for me. I appreciated that they let us know how many applicants they had (~300) and how many they took on (~3%). It was a nice touch to put the rejection in context. And not make us go to the portal! So you made it in during an extra competitive year - that must feel pretty good. Enjoy the glow!
  2. Same, if they do offer me a spot the funding will have to be pretty great. Cost aside, the program is appealing in rigor and duration. I couldn't justify it though without generous $$ support.
  3. Re: MAPSS referral - mine was actually uploaded in a second letter to the portal and it was uploaded later than my original rejection notice. I didn't receive an email notification so it was luck that I caught it! Decision for MAPSS will be in March so... something else to wait a little longer for... at least at this point I'm used to it!
  4. Decisions are out - I got my rejection. Very kindly worded, so that was appreciated!
  5. That's good to know. Happy to hear it. I doubt it means anything for my chances - but hopefully we see a few more folks here get lucky. It's such an excellent program.
  6. Yeah, I guess if Princeton also decided to only admit a handful of students, then it is certainly possible that others are not on this site.
  7. whoops, double post.
  8. @cheshire we have had folks here either claim or convincingly corroborate those Yale & Harvard admits. So sadly for us, I'm thinking they're not trolls. The Princeton admit matches with the timing of Princeton decisions in recent years. Anyone here claiming Princeton?
  9. Hi friends. I've been lurking a while and resisting making an account, lest it becomes pointless after my full slate of rejections. But here I am. I thought I'd let everyone know that I discovered *some* information re: Harvard & Yale admissions by reaching out as politely as possible to the department coordinators: Yale - "Admissions decisions will be sent by late February." Harvard - "All results will be posted by the end of the day next Tuesday, 2/16." So at least Harvard gave a hard deadline. I am very certainly rejected from both. At this point I'd like to 1) move on and 2) make contact with POIs who I had positive engagement with in the fall to thank them and perhaps fish for some feedback. I've applied to 10 PhD programs - 4 rejections, 4 more surely coming (Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Chicago) and 2 pending that I'm not feeling so confident about either. I am a history/poli sci BA, no MA. 5 years out of school with great work experience and relevant to the field. I am, like many of you, the kind of student that my advisors thought was a very strong candidate for top tier programs. I think that's still true but it's also not enough, even in a good year. And COVID has really made this brutal. This is my first application cycle and I know that the pandemic has made it extra competitive. It remains to be seen whether I'll get after it again. I'd like to, but as I approach 30 I will need to be realistic about my time and resources in the long term. I can't afford to pay for an MA in history. So, not sure what my next steps will be. Wishing you all the best. At least we're in this rough cycle with good company!
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