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Everything posted by yz123

  1. Hello! I'd recommend applying to be a Behavioural Interventionist or a support worker, I know many of my classmates worked as one for a couple years before applying. I think any position that requires you to work with children (e.g. after school program instructor, education assistant, etc.) will also look really good on the application and you can discuss things you've learned and relate those skills to how it would make you a good SLP!
  2. Hi everyone, I got accepted into UBC yesterday and will be accepting my offer. This should open up a spot for someone at Toronto and one less waitlist spot for Western. Best of luck and thank you all for your support throughout this application process!
  3. Congrats to everyone who's heard back so far! I got into U of T earlier today and waitlisted at Western. I'm still holding out for UBC cause that's my first choice so if that happens hopefully that'll open up a spot for someone else in this group. Best of luck to everyone
  4. For me, I continued to work my part time jobs that I had in the first place because they were already in related fields. I work as a behavioural interventionist and a program leader for after school programs with children. Since my last application, I found another job specifically working with children with autism in a one to one setting in recreation programs and added some volunteer work with stroke survivors.
  5. Hello! This year will be my second time applying. In the past year, I've focused on getting more volunteer experiences relevant to this field. Although for some schools they've waived the volunteering portion, I think it's still good for my own sake to gain some insight into the field I'm pursuing, and as a bonus I can still write about those experiences in my statement. I've also completed some extra courses as a non-degree student to bump up my GPA and I've gotten a new reference as well from one of my new placements.
  6. Hello! I reached out to a professor that taught me in person whose office hours I had attended (not regularly, but enough for her to have known me in the class). In the original email I sent, I included past assignments just in case that would help her remember me, and also my mark in her class. I also reached out to a prof who taught me in an online class more recently, but prior to that I had attended virtual office hours and also reached out to her after the course ended (but prior to my application) for help relating to an extracurricular activity. In this email to her, I also included things that could've helped her remember me better like how I had reached out for help in my activity for an organization. If it helps, the first prof actually had a "reference checklist" that she uses when writing a reference letter for students. I can send you what the checklist includes so that you can include it to potential referees (if it's not too late). Just DM me if you need
  7. Hello everyone, This is my first time applying to Dalhousie and I'm wondering if we're able to check whether references were received or do we get an email once they submit it? Also for the GPA calculations is it done like ORPAS where everything is converted to GPA then averaged?
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