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2021 Fall
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I'd specify your goal/objectives for the inquiry. If they gave you a feedback, would this mean you will try again next year for the same program? If so, then express that to the ad com. I'd also suggest that you can reach out to ad coordinator first, but you're more likely to receive a non-answer/boilerplate response. Then, you can reach out to POI/interviewer for feedback. You can say that you enjoyed learning about the program and you believed you're a good fit for the program for XYZ reasons. Then, ask for feedback on areas of improvement for next cycle. I did this for only one program because I truly believed that I was a good fit after being interviewed. Not to be a total creep, but I remember you having great options for PhD programs. Are you going to reject those offers on the table and try again next year? I obviously don't know your whole portfolio of experiences and publications, but it would be likely that you didn't get into these other programs because of variables that are outside of your control (i.e. internal faculty/department funding, grants, changes in research directions). I doubt that the reasons for your rejections were because of your lack of credentials—since you got into few of the peer, competitive programs. Have you had a chance to connect with your POI at accepted programs? I actually found that to be more helpful in understanding this application cycle and where I stood. When I spoke to my POI after I was accepted, they were willing to share with me why I was a great fit for the program. For me, it was the research fit with certain faculty (and the direction of the program towards certain areas of research) and also my professional experiences that aligned with the department's vision/goal for interdisciplinary research. That was really illuminating because the rejections from other programs actually made a lot of sense. Hope that helps, and good luck!
PublicHealthPhD2021 reacted to a post in a topic: PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021
Thank you for this note! I saw few UCLA CHS acceptance here, so I'm not hopeful—though I do find it interesting that they are planning to send out decisions. Maybe it'd be for waitlists? Congrats on USC! I don't think I saw too many posts about USC HBR program, so that's great to hear that there is some movement. I think at this point, I want to gracefully move on and receive rejections from UCLA and USC, so I can focus on making my decisions.
Updated- This is for Ph.D. programs Accepted: BU (interviewed), NYU (interviewed) Pending decisions: UCLA (interviewed), USC (no interview) Rejected: Emory (interviewed) Anyone heard back from UCLA CHS and USC HBR yet? I'm seeing few acceptance for those two programs in the results page, so I'm just waiting for a rejection.
blakepancake reacted to a post in a topic: PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021
Talk about timing! I just got a rejection letter from Emory. Let's hope other programs come through!
I hope you are right! I know that this cycle was more competitive than previous ones, so I'm also not holding my breath either. I'm just considering myself fortunate to make it this far in the cycle with multiple interviews—even if they ended up as rejections. Good luck to you too!
Interviewed and pending decisions: UCLA, BU, Emory, NYU No interview invites, silence: USC Anyone heard back from UCLA CHS yet? I interviewed with them three weeks ago. I saw that someone got an acceptance few weeks back on the results page, so I'm now expecting a rejection. USC HBR is probably a rejection, since I saw few interview invites and acceptance on the results page already. We had few people on this thread receive their acceptance letters from Emory last weekend, so I'm also expecting a rejection email to hit my inbox soon.
FYI, NYU GPH is holding a Ph.D. Interview Day tomorrow. Based on their agenda, all department chairs will be present (including epi).
Hmmm that’s a good question. I don’t believe so. I think it was just PhD. Good luck!
BUSPH had a doctoral students day today for their second and final round of interviews (as well as welcome and program introductions from the dean and various chairs). This included about 60 prospective students across all the programs at BUSPH. They said the decisions will come out in two weeks