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    United Kingdom
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    Cinema and Media Studies (PhD)

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  1. I don't think that thread started to pick up steam until later in January when decisions started to come in, so we're probably just a little early. But I have a hunch that there will be somewhat fewer applicants this year compared to last. Probably still more than pre-COVID admissions seasons, but I think it has to have peaked last year?
  2. Congrats on getting them all in! It takes so much out of you. And I feel you—the wait is awful. I don't think many things have rivalled my levels of anxiety over the past few days (now that everything is submitted and I don't have Christmas to distract me). I'm not looking forward to the weeks ahead with the slow drip of results. I just know I'm going to drive myself crazy with dread! Best of luck to you! ?
  3. Good luck to you too!!
  4. Mine have gone well, thanks. I have them all in now! I decided to just get everything done before the end of the year despite some programs having deadlines in January. I ended up applying to these places in the end (all PhD): Concordia Washington UC Berkeley UC Irvine USC NYU Rochester Northwestern I am truly terrified that I'll end up empty-handed. But it's all out of my control now. I'm just so glad the applications are in and done with. How are everyone else's apps going?
  5. Around half of the humanities programs I'm applying to are asking for a writing sample of around 20 pages (some are 15–20, some <25). But others are asking for up to 30 pages or have no stated limit. I'm submitting part of my master's thesis, so have extracted my introduction (lightly condensed) and my first chapter, which comes to about 18 pages total. I like what I have; it's by far my strongest chapter. My other chapters are a different story. I mean, they're not terrible by any means. My two graders liked them for the most part, but said they were a little disjointed and structurally awkward. And, honestly, I don't feel like I have the time or the energy to make real substantive edits to either of those chapters (I know, I know…). But I worry that submitting 18 pages when I'm being told I can submit up to 30 seems stupid. Is it worth sending a longer but weaker writing sample, or a shorter but stronger one? Will 18 pages look weak when others are sending in 30?
  6. I'm perpetually worried that the programs I'm looking at are way out of my depth! Washington looks like such a good program; that's another one I’m interested in. For UCSC: Is your research practice-based? I really like the look of program, but I don’t do that kind of work and I don't know just how much they prioritize people who do? Definitely both of those for me too.
  7. Nice to meet you too! At the moment, I have a very long list which needs refining. I’ve only ruled out a few programs and am still researching the rest. But, so far, the ones I like the look of most are Northwestern, USC, UT Austin, IU Bloomington, NYU, Rochester, and UC Irvine. No doubt the list will change a lot over the coming weeks and months. What programs are you looking at?
  8. It's a little early in the game, but I thought I'd start a thread for those of us applying to programs in cinema, film, and media studies later this year. Personally, I'm just about to complete my master's here in the UK—but I'm still narrowing down which US PhD programs I'd most like to apply to. What programs are you most interested in?
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