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Everything posted by phdhopesndreams

  1. Thank you for sharing! Super appreciative of you doing so and of everyone else doing so on the forum. I do find it frustrating that schools do not prioritize timely notice of rejections. If there is already an existing and agreed upon short-list of more candidates than spots to account for those who are extended an offer and turn it down, there isn't really a reason to leave those who did not pass the first round of review in limbo. It's become increasingly clear that I will have to apply again in future cycles so any advice (not already stated previously) about re-applying is welcomed. I am interested in reaching out to schools for feedback (which I did not know possible until I read about it in this forum). It seems like previous posters who talked about this did interview at the school. Given that I was not invited to interview, would the schools even be able to provide feedback beyond a generic answer? Anyone with experience or opinions on this?
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