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Everything posted by CalS

  1. How is everyone coping? I applied to UC Davis for their PhD program in linguistics, and I am trying to be patient. Has anyone heard anything? I have seen a few posts for linguistics posts for other universities, but nothing for UC Davis.
  2. CalS

    French PhD 2021

    I should have written: Of the 28 applicants, 20 were accepted, and 7 enrolled.
  3. CalS

    French PhD 2021

    Glad to know your visit with IU Bloomington went so well. I hesitate to contact the DGS again, because I do not want to get on anyone's nerves and do not want to come across as a money-grubber. I am waiting to hear about a virtual visit. When I do have mine, I will wait to see if they bring up the funding issue. For what it is worth, check this out: Department of French and Italian - Indiana University Bloomington - Graduate Programs and Degrees (petersons.com) For the entire Department of French and Italian (not just French linguistics), for whatever year Peterson's had data, there were 28 applicants. Of those, 20 accepted, and 7 enrolled. If those statistics hold, you and I have a good shot at funding! I hope that helps.
  4. CalS

    French PhD 2021

    I am new on this thread. I wish I had read it earlier, as it is greatly helping me to understand ce qui se passe. I applied to Berkeley, and got turned down. I got accepted at Indiana University Bloomington (French Linguistics) - still awaiting funding information. I applied to UC Davis (French Linguistics), and did not make the first round of admissions. I also applied to UT Austin for French Linguistics, and have not yet heard a word. Colorado University in Boulder has a note on their website for applicants to the French graduate program that there will be no funding available. Has anyone heard anything from UT Austin?
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