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  1. @ZoraNeale2021 Aw man! I was hoping one of us would have some luck. But here's to us, the folks on the short stack. ? And omg, we very well might be twins. Def felt I was babbling, but apparently it wasn't too much of a turn-off. I applied to UT, Juilliard, and UCSD. Speaking of: @Coffee&Flowers I think it's safe to email! I got a (graced with a touch of virtual kindness lol) rejection email from Naomi ~last week. Might be an opportunity to see if feedback or anything like that is available.
  2. Waitlisted at Brown -- got a nice, personalized email from Julia Jarcho. Not amazing news, but not bad either! Grateful that I'm still even being considered and that the admissions team liked my work (and also managed to tolerate my absolutely-fucking-unhinged personality). @ZoraNeale2021 Fingers crossed that you got better news and will be indulging in plenty of New England seafood (if you eat that stuff!!!!) this fall!
  4. CONGRATULAAAATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. congratulations!! basically, my best advice would be to just 100% be yourself. definitely be prepared to talk about your work; that's what we spent most of the interview talking about. they made some reference to specific lines/moments, so just make sure you're able to speak on those points and your thoughts behind them, and you should be all set! it's super low-key. i am very sorry that you have to wake up so early though!
  6. mega-creepy lurker here - had an interview with Brown early this morning. just wanted to let folks know, but don't give up hope! schools might be doing rolling meetings, have some other admissions delays, etc., who knows? i literally thought i was rejected until i got the email!
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