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  1. I hope you do too! Waiting is the worst!
  2. I am currently contacting admissions because they requested my transcripts, but I went there as an undergrad so they should already have them...
  3. I applied sometime around Christmas.
  4. Yes! We were in the same interview! You didn't seem nervous to me. I thought you did great. I did a lot of preparation work and I was still SUPER nervous! I hope we both get in!
  5. Thank you! If I remember them I will definitely let you know!
  6. I applied in late December. I didn't apply to calswec because I want to concentrate in Mental Health.
  7. Thank you! I know. I'm thinking of emailing Chico, but idk if I should. Honestly, they are my last pick. I just thought I would apply there for the heck of it.
  8. Has anyone heard from SJSU yet? My GPA is great, but I applied on the last day because I was holding out for a recommendation letter and I rushed my personal statement too... ?
  9. I applied to CSU Fullerton, CSU Long Beach, San Jose State, and CSU Chico. So far only Fullerton has got back to me. I have my interview on the 17th.
  10. Hi, I created this forum so we could be collectively anxious and supportive for each other. Best of luck to all! I would love to hear from you
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